Can someone help me understand?

Post diagnosis, I had a real revelation about my life and about why I struggled so much in so many different ways. I found it both liberating and cathartic to a certain extent.

As a result of a number of more recent events, I find myself questioning why I’m so keen to prove I can manage independently, when there are obvious indicators that I struggle.

What should I do with this Knowledge of diagnosis?

Am I a success as an independent Aspie Adult or a failure?  I’m pretty sure I don’t get things wrong all the time, but does make me a Success?

Should I be asking others for help with my life or should I carry on as I always have?

I value my independence, but as the realization dawns that there are some major issues to my independent living, I have to question. How do other independent Aspies live?

Do they have enablers in their life?

Are they reliant on others for assistance in the realms they find difficult?

Or do they relinquish all responsibility to others?

Am I expecting too much of myself and my children to consider holding down a job or wanting to contribute to society? Surely it’s important to have a purpose?

As the roller coaster of life rolls on, I feel I have more questions than answers!

Feeling really lost just now and somewhat like a rabbit in the headlights.

I’ve spent most of my life caring for others, yet I can barely care for myself…………

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