Had the most God awful day today

Can't quite get my head around the advice I was given today.

My son has Autism, wants to work, but no one will employ him because of his ASD and SEVERE DYSLEXIA. Can't work without significant support, which we are endeavoring to provide him ourselves because ATW have no clue about Autism and say they can't help him. 

Yet Citizens advice advised that he should give up self-employed supported work; with a note from his GP to say he's not able to work unsupported, because DWP have messed up our notification of 'change of circumstance'!!!!!!!!!

Their is absolutely no way I'm asking my son to give up his 'Reason for living and only opportunity to contribute to society', just to appease the DWP!

What do these people want???????

Branded scroungers and lazy if you claim 'unfit for work' and advised to give up work if you have the desire, but no independent help or support; beyond your own family.

I've also been advise to attend court by CAB. When i tried to explain to CAB that as a carer of two on the spectrum, I have enough to contend with without having to go to court, he said he had no clue about ASD, but I should attend anyway!!!!! Really???????

How is this equality for those with disabilities??????

So B----y angry!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, but i'm at the end of my tether.......Teenager sobbing inconsolably and disillusioned with a world filled with ignorance. The other in tears over an accident he's had. A disaster of a day

Is this really the message we want our youth to embrace?

Guess we are off to court to contest this. What a waste of money and a demoralizing time all round. Haven't people with ASD got enough to contend with????

God what a dreadful day.:(

  • Thanks for your kind words socks.

    The thing is, I don't understand the benefits system at all and that leaves me and my family vulnerable. When the advisors don't understand it either, you know you are in trouble. The bad advice came from HMRC themselves. The trouble is the debt I now face because of their misinformation.

    One advocate seems to think we should be entitiled to more support than we are getting and probably should have been for some time. This makes me feel quite stupid, as it means we've probably been slowly drowning un-necessarily, add to it, the time it's taken for me to get the authorities to address this issue and the debt mounts considerably. How do you recover from that?

    It does much to reinforce your feeling of inadequacy when you can support others with practical advise, words of comfort and tips on a forum, but struggle yourelf in everyday understanding of your entitlement and the way things impact one another.

    What upsets me, is that lives have been lost over less and it's the vulnerable that suffer when an individual working for a statutory body, 'drops the ball' as you put it. Despite my best efforts to understand and get it right, I struggle and this is not made any easier by miss-advice from those supposidly in the know.

    My son has been let down and as his appointee I feel responsible for that. I'm not sure that the advice from the CAB for my son is right either though. (Give up work and claim ESA) That's dispicable! What ever happened to equality?

    Is this really the right message to send our disabled youth?

    In thinking outside the box and by working as a part-time, supported, self-employed individual, my sons managed to achieve purpose in his life and find something he can do rather than be faced with all the barriers of what he can't do.

    Yet the sustainability of that, is now in jeopardy because of the systems lack of consideration for Autistic individuals with learning disabilities who want to work, but don’t have the right support and whose parents find themselves in financial strife because of the slow or delayed progress of a statutory body that leaves them in debt. And all because the parents try and enable a young adult, who dares to dream of a life beyond benefits.

    If ever there was a clearer indication that those with disabilities are being let down, this is it!

    I have no issue with the reduction of the benefits bill in Britain if it's fair and just. If I did, then I wouldn't be trying so hard to ensure my children have work prospects now and in the future. The trouble is, those with the level of disabilities my children have, face huge barriers to work, even from the very bodies suposidly set up to help them.(ATW)

    Can you tell me then, when & how are the rights, dreams or voices of those with disabilities actually going to be honoured, realized or heard when faced with such barriers and lack of understanding?  

    ATW is just not geared up to undestand Autism. Add that to the equation that not only are parents supposed to support their childs considerable care needs, but support them in their work also; because of the lack of support from those bodies who are supposed to enable, and you have parents pushed to breaking point with support and care hours that would rival a newly qualified doctor on the wards!

    As full-time carers, your options to change your families financial situation are often extremely limited and you have little choice, but to resort to some form of support. Seems like those who are victims of circumstance or vulnerable will be hit hardest by any cuts then.

    I know we can only act on the advice we are given, but when that advice is consistently wrong or advisors and government bodies stop caring about the impact of such miss-advice, lives are lost, dreams are crushed and the victims are left with their lives in tatters, facing homelessness, branded as scroungers, accused of fraud or simply viewed as lazy. Life for those on the spectrum is difficult enough, without the added stress of negligence from those who are supposed to advise them.

    As the Aspie perfectionist that I am, I've always tried to do my best and follow what's right, however it's the constant reinforcement that you are getting it wrong that causes you to question your purpose and if your life is truely of any value.

    Sorry socks, but I've hit rock bottom today and I'm all out of inspirational phrazes or grey tinted thinking. Feel the lowest I've been in a long while and I guess Black and white is sometimes all their is!

    So disolusioned. SO very low.


  • Thanks for your kind words socks.

    The thing is, I don't understand the benefits system at all and that leaves me and my family vulnerable. When the advisors don't understand it either, you know you are in trouble. The bad advice came from HMRC themselves. The trouble is the debt I now face because of their misinformation.

    One advocate seems to think we should be entitiled to more support than we are getting and probably should have been for some time. This makes me feel quite stupid, as it means we've probably been slowly drowning un-necessarily, add to it, the time it's taken for me to get the authorities to address this issue and the debt mounts considerably. How do you recover from that?

    It does much to reinforce your feeling of inadequacy when you can support others with practical advise, words of comfort and tips on a forum, but struggle yourelf in everyday understanding of your entitlement and the way things impact one another.

    What upsets me, is that lives have been lost over less and it's the vulnerable that suffer when an individual working for a statutory body, 'drops the ball' as you put it. Despite my best efforts to understand and get it right, I struggle and this is not made any easier by miss-advice from those supposidly in the know.

    My son has been let down and as his appointee I feel responsible for that. I'm not sure that the advice from the CAB for my son is right either though. (Give up work and claim ESA) That's dispicable! What ever happened to equality?

    Is this really the right message to send our disabled youth?

    In thinking outside the box and by working as a part-time, supported, self-employed individual, my sons managed to achieve purpose in his life and find something he can do rather than be faced with all the barriers of what he can't do.

    Yet the sustainability of that, is now in jeopardy because of the systems lack of consideration for Autistic individuals with learning disabilities who want to work, but don’t have the right support and whose parents find themselves in financial strife because of the slow or delayed progress of a statutory body that leaves them in debt. And all because the parents try and enable a young adult, who dares to dream of a life beyond benefits.

    If ever there was a clearer indication that those with disabilities are being let down, this is it!

    I have no issue with the reduction of the benefits bill in Britain if it's fair and just. If I did, then I wouldn't be trying so hard to ensure my children have work prospects now and in the future. The trouble is, those with the level of disabilities my children have, face huge barriers to work, even from the very bodies suposidly set up to help them.(ATW)

    Can you tell me then, when & how are the rights, dreams or voices of those with disabilities actually going to be honoured, realized or heard when faced with such barriers and lack of understanding?  

    ATW is just not geared up to undestand Autism. Add that to the equation that not only are parents supposed to support their childs considerable care needs, but support them in their work also; because of the lack of support from those bodies who are supposed to enable, and you have parents pushed to breaking point with support and care hours that would rival a newly qualified doctor on the wards!

    As full-time carers, your options to change your families financial situation are often extremely limited and you have little choice, but to resort to some form of support. Seems like those who are victims of circumstance or vulnerable will be hit hardest by any cuts then.

    I know we can only act on the advice we are given, but when that advice is consistently wrong or advisors and government bodies stop caring about the impact of such miss-advice, lives are lost, dreams are crushed and the victims are left with their lives in tatters, facing homelessness, branded as scroungers, accused of fraud or simply viewed as lazy. Life for those on the spectrum is difficult enough, without the added stress of negligence from those who are supposed to advise them.

    As the Aspie perfectionist that I am, I've always tried to do my best and follow what's right, however it's the constant reinforcement that you are getting it wrong that causes you to question your purpose and if your life is truely of any value.

    Sorry socks, but I've hit rock bottom today and I'm all out of inspirational phrazes or grey tinted thinking. Feel the lowest I've been in a long while and I guess Black and white is sometimes all their is!

    So disolusioned. SO very low.


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