Had the most God awful day today

Can't quite get my head around the advice I was given today.

My son has Autism, wants to work, but no one will employ him because of his ASD and SEVERE DYSLEXIA. Can't work without significant support, which we are endeavoring to provide him ourselves because ATW have no clue about Autism and say they can't help him. 

Yet Citizens advice advised that he should give up self-employed supported work; with a note from his GP to say he's not able to work unsupported, because DWP have messed up our notification of 'change of circumstance'!!!!!!!!!

Their is absolutely no way I'm asking my son to give up his 'Reason for living and only opportunity to contribute to society', just to appease the DWP!

What do these people want???????

Branded scroungers and lazy if you claim 'unfit for work' and advised to give up work if you have the desire, but no independent help or support; beyond your own family.

I've also been advise to attend court by CAB. When i tried to explain to CAB that as a carer of two on the spectrum, I have enough to contend with without having to go to court, he said he had no clue about ASD, but I should attend anyway!!!!! Really???????

How is this equality for those with disabilities??????

So B----y angry!!!!!

Sorry for the rant, but i'm at the end of my tether.......Teenager sobbing inconsolably and disillusioned with a world filled with ignorance. The other in tears over an accident he's had. A disaster of a day

Is this really the message we want our youth to embrace?

Guess we are off to court to contest this. What a waste of money and a demoralizing time all round. Haven't people with ASD got enough to contend with????

God what a dreadful day.:(

  • My son earns under the weekly amount he would receive for JSA, but he doesn't care because he's occupied (not sitting on street corners like many.) and because he feels valued. DWP just don't understand that it's not about the money, it's about contributing and feeling of value.

    At a time in their life when they've really had a belly full of negitive reinforcement through education and poor services, it feels like a kick in the face when all you are doing is making the effort.

    Socks, Tribunal is probably my only option for child tax credits and child benefit, however the DWP error has had a knock on effect on everything else, so now I also have court on Monday with the local council for council tax, I don't believe we owe!

    I realise that an individual who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer, but i've been left no time to brief a lawyer and I now have no money to pay for one. I only got the court papers two days ago! I went to the council office to speak with them, but they said I had to phone in. Nobody would speak to me.

    Feel like i'm chasing my tail.

    YL I will try and contact the local carers centre for advice. Thanks for your pointers folks.

  • My son earns under the weekly amount he would receive for JSA, but he doesn't care because he's occupied (not sitting on street corners like many.) and because he feels valued. DWP just don't understand that it's not about the money, it's about contributing and feeling of value.

    At a time in their life when they've really had a belly full of negitive reinforcement through education and poor services, it feels like a kick in the face when all you are doing is making the effort.

    Socks, Tribunal is probably my only option for child tax credits and child benefit, however the DWP error has had a knock on effect on everything else, so now I also have court on Monday with the local council for council tax, I don't believe we owe!

    I realise that an individual who represents himself has a fool for a lawyer, but i've been left no time to brief a lawyer and I now have no money to pay for one. I only got the court papers two days ago! I went to the council office to speak with them, but they said I had to phone in. Nobody would speak to me.

    Feel like i'm chasing my tail.

    YL I will try and contact the local carers centre for advice. Thanks for your pointers folks.

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