Advice re son not eating any lunch

Hello everyone. As I've mentioned before my 4 year old boy with autism is a fussy eater. Each day I ask him what he wants for lunch ( for school) and I put that in his lunch box. Often when I've picked him up from school I check to see what he's eaten and I'm lucky if he's eaten one thing. Usually a yoghurt. It really worries. I can't believe the dinner ladies allow him to go out to play when he's hardly touched his lunch. I have mentioned it to his teacher. He said they have tried just letting him have some of his drink rather than all of it, otherwise he's full up on just juice, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Please can anyone give me some advice. Maybe your child is the same?

Thank you for reading and I hope someone can offer me some advice.

  • Dr3am3r,

    Your son sounds like an older version of my son! The only sarnies he'll eat are Nutella or jam! And again he gets bored of the same things but is afraid to try new foods. I got him to help me make pizzas at the weekend to try to convince him to eat them. He couldn't bare the feel of grated cheese on his hands and asked me for a spoon :( He was chuffed he'd helped me make pizzas but refused to eat them and got very upset.

  • Dr3am3r,

    Your son sounds like an older version of my son! The only sarnies he'll eat are Nutella or jam! And again he gets bored of the same things but is afraid to try new foods. I got him to help me make pizzas at the weekend to try to convince him to eat them. He couldn't bare the feel of grated cheese on his hands and asked me for a spoon :( He was chuffed he'd helped me make pizzas but refused to eat them and got very upset.

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