Advice re son not eating any lunch

Hello everyone. As I've mentioned before my 4 year old boy with autism is a fussy eater. Each day I ask him what he wants for lunch ( for school) and I put that in his lunch box. Often when I've picked him up from school I check to see what he's eaten and I'm lucky if he's eaten one thing. Usually a yoghurt. It really worries. I can't believe the dinner ladies allow him to go out to play when he's hardly touched his lunch. I have mentioned it to his teacher. He said they have tried just letting him have some of his drink rather than all of it, otherwise he's full up on just juice, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Please can anyone give me some advice. Maybe your child is the same?

Thank you for reading and I hope someone can offer me some advice.

  • Can it be that by the time it comes to lunchtime some of the ingredients are mixed up, or things have gone soggy... both would be an enormous problem for me and I put stuff in a lunchbox so they can't touch each other. Or maybe the temperature in not right anymore.

    Please just pack what he will eat as there will be a reason for not eating some foodstuffs. When I was a child I would only eat sandwiches and that's still my main staple and I'm now 47...

    You can try asking very specific questions that not require long answers like

    Was it too warm

    Was it too cold

    Was the texture right

    Was the flavour right

    Just easy short questions to find out why he doesn't eat his lunch.

    Also it could be that he is forced to sit in a place he doesn't like or people he doesn't want, could put him right off his food! School canteens can be frightening busy, and extremely noisy places, that can put him off. Did me!

    It could be a very small thing that you never realized that is to blame...

    Hope you will find your answer, I'm no expert but have lived with aspergers and do know a little... I hope anyway

  • Can it be that by the time it comes to lunchtime some of the ingredients are mixed up, or things have gone soggy... both would be an enormous problem for me and I put stuff in a lunchbox so they can't touch each other. Or maybe the temperature in not right anymore.

    Please just pack what he will eat as there will be a reason for not eating some foodstuffs. When I was a child I would only eat sandwiches and that's still my main staple and I'm now 47...

    You can try asking very specific questions that not require long answers like

    Was it too warm

    Was it too cold

    Was the texture right

    Was the flavour right

    Just easy short questions to find out why he doesn't eat his lunch.

    Also it could be that he is forced to sit in a place he doesn't like or people he doesn't want, could put him right off his food! School canteens can be frightening busy, and extremely noisy places, that can put him off. Did me!

    It could be a very small thing that you never realized that is to blame...

    Hope you will find your answer, I'm no expert but have lived with aspergers and do know a little... I hope anyway

  • Hi  i have just read your comments regarding how some food stuffs make you feel. I have recently joined a group called autism champions and we each have to find a topic that we are interested in . i chose sensory diet which i have been able to find more information regarding this issue with children. I would be very grateful if you would be able to share some of your experiences with me that could enlighten me more and i can share my findings with the group. Do you think you could help me... kind regards