Dating sites

I've been feeling kinda lonely romantically lately a few months after coming out of an abusive relationship and don't really want to/am no good at "dating" the way NT people do it. The solution, naturally, seems to be dating sites. The trouble is, there are thousands of these sites around and I'm having trouble filtering the good ones from the bad ones, and especially finding sites that may be a bit more accommodating to a fairly shy bloke with Aspergers. Has anyone on here got any success stories from dating sites? If so, which site(s) did you use and how long did it take to find lurrrrrve?

Parents Reply Children
  • Dating sites are a minefield.....some genuine people and those that other other agendas....take your time making friendships first online, don't reveal too much about yourself and keep yourself safe.

    make a list of the things that went wrong in previous relationships, or repeating patterns.... read this now and again to try to ensure that you don't find yourself in the same bear trap.

    i met my now husband online....I wasn't necessarily looking for his love, but just to feel less lonely..,and to have an ally out there...don't want to repeat past mistakes.....and certainly not strong enough to be hurt again.

    good luck...hope you find what you are looking for.