Dating sites

I've been feeling kinda lonely romantically lately a few months after coming out of an abusive relationship and don't really want to/am no good at "dating" the way NT people do it. The solution, naturally, seems to be dating sites. The trouble is, there are thousands of these sites around and I'm having trouble filtering the good ones from the bad ones, and especially finding sites that may be a bit more accommodating to a fairly shy bloke with Aspergers. Has anyone on here got any success stories from dating sites? If so, which site(s) did you use and how long did it take to find lurrrrrve?

  • I am really impressed by: I signed up there. I believe it is built by someone on the spectrum...

    It seems very professional in lay out and functionality and what I like best is that is non-profit. I think it still has to grow a bit but my bet is that it will be very big. I really liked what they wrote on the frontpage too.

    What they say:

    Safe dating for people on the spectrum is a free and non profit dating site for people with Asperger’s / ASD. Finding someone with similar traits makes it easier for us to feel safe and understood. And that is what we need.Aspie Singles is clean and simple and all features are for free.


    For most people with Asperger’s it’s a day to day challenge to feel safe and understood by neurotypical people. And even though there is a number of dating sites for people with high functioning autism, most of those are expensive pay-sites where you only receive very limited free access. At you will receive full access and full functionality for free. And it will stay for free.

  • I am really impressed by: I signed up there. I believe it is built by someone on the spectrum...

    It seems very professional in lay out and functionality and what I like best is that is non-profit. I think it still has to grow a bit but my bet is that it will be very big. I really liked what they wrote on the frontpage too.

    What they say:

    Safe dating for people on the spectrum is a free and non profit dating site for people with Asperger’s / ASD. Finding someone with similar traits makes it easier for us to feel safe and understood. And that is what we need.Aspie Singles is clean and simple and all features are for free.


    For most people with Asperger’s it’s a day to day challenge to feel safe and understood by neurotypical people. And even though there is a number of dating sites for people with high functioning autism, most of those are expensive pay-sites where you only receive very limited free access. At you will receive full access and full functionality for free. And it will stay for free.

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