Fussy eating, at my wits end!

Please can somebody give me some advice.

I have a four year old boy with autism. He has always been a fussy eater and it is driving me up the wall now. I get hassle from my family that he doesn't eat enough. And the stuff he does eat is "kid food" so like sausages, turkey dinosaurs etc. Most of the other stuff he eats is sweet stuff so like strawberry jam or chocolate spread sandwich, which then makes his hyperactivity worse.He eats very limited amount of veg. And getting him to try anything new is near on impossible!

It's all to do with how it looks and texture.

In the medical profession who is there that could help me with this?

  • All of this fussy eating makes me wonder whether there is something real that the kids are reacting to. I seem to react to tomatoes and apples and have been trying to work out what is going on. I've found something called Oral Allergy Syndrome, factsheet from Manchester hospital here www.uhsm.nhs.uk/.../AC - Oral Allergy Syndromes Factsheet.pdf 

    I'm planning to go the GPnext week to see if they can confirm this with a test.

  • Hi

    My son is 6 and halve and has been this fussy since well almost weaning age xxx

  • Thanks Joby jo for your reply....more or less sounds like what my son eats!

    How old is your son?

  • Hi,

    My son is a very fussy eater and hus diet is restricted the only fruit ir veg he eats is bannana abd thats only if it smells right!

    He will only eat things like sausage, turkey dinosaurs will only eat jam sandwhiches

    He also wont try anything new? I was just told to go with it he is happy and at least he is eating, was told if i tried to force new food in him it woukd make eating a issue and possibly make it worse

  • Hi - non medical advice - just from another mum

    My 17 year old is on the severe end of the spectrum- he has such a limited diet. Its all practically brown food - not sloppy and even down to eating the same brand of food and no other. He has always been like this. They refer you to dieticians who say put the food in front of them and get them to taste and after 20 times they will accept it !!!! impossible!!! My boy doesnt eat fruit or veg and will only drink clear liquids so no milk either!! Yes I have worried for years but there is nothing I can do. His body seems to have adjusted to his diet - hardly ill and his nails grown unbelievably quick - he is a healthy weight now ( it has gone up and down over the years). The sweet things that make your son hyperactive prob could do with being limited but how???Ive started hiding foods and only putting single bags of biscuits out where he can get them. You then get the tantrums though and aggression. My advice to myself when he was 4 - I would say  accept that this is part of his autism and as long as hes not obese and is healthy then its ok - there are vitamin drops you can buy that can be added to food just to top them up. Hope this helps in a small way or at least makes you feel abit better.