Are there tips, tricks or ASD hacks to navigate in between the black and black thinking?
Are there tips, tricks or ASD hacks to navigate in between the black and black thinking?
I don't know, personally nearly all my thinking is in grey areas, I tend to stay away from black and white thinking, it's too absolute. I think I became a lot more comfortable with when I started realising and working with the idea that the only constant is change and that I don't always have to have an opinion on something, especially if I don't feel I have enough information to form an opinion. I've learnt to be aware of other peoples hobby horses and when they're taking them out for a canter, thats often when an opinion in agreement with them is sought and disagreement dosen't feel like an option. I think as ASC people we're often hyperaware of and vulnerable too the opinions of others, leading to kneejerk reactions of agreement just because the other person is forceful in their arguments.
Knee jerk reactions are a short step away from goosestepping and all the other silly walks so loved by dictators.
There's some interesting information in this article, including "10 Strategies for Navigating Black and White Thinking":
Whilst that author's suggestions include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), an adapted form of that - known as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) - is preferred / favoured by some for helping us (ie autistic people) with inflexible or black and white thinking.