Is it ethical to correct those with whom you disagree?

This is something I really struggle with.  If i see something I disagree with, then I am almost compelled by my sense of ethics to try and correct it.  I see many others who take a different attitude and they are probably happier than I am. As they are not involved in constant debates.

I think ultimately this is just my personality now and I cannot change it.  I just wondered if anyone else has anything to say on this subject?

  • I'm sure that it isn't 'unethical'.

    Ignoring insults - you have to be able to take as good as you give, though. The chances of any one person being 'right' on every subject they feel strongly about is pretty slim. So if someone is unable to take being argued against as much as they argue then it probably isn't healthy.

    I used to be very argumentative about religion in my younger days. I 'know' that I am 'right' on these matters, but why argue when people get comfort from it (as long as they are not going around burning heretics)

    Politics is fast becoming as pointless as religion these days. It used to be a subject that could be discussed with acquaintances, but these days people have more of a 'football team' mentality to it of 'sides' and no prospect of evidence and data swaying an opinion.

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