Is it ethical to correct those with whom you disagree?

This is something I really struggle with.  If i see something I disagree with, then I am almost compelled by my sense of ethics to try and correct it.  I see many others who take a different attitude and they are probably happier than I am. As they are not involved in constant debates.

I think ultimately this is just my personality now and I cannot change it.  I just wondered if anyone else has anything to say on this subject?

  • I get you. When I was very young, my mother (who was very into astrology) would tell me about how I was very much a Libra. It was always my way to try and have an open mind and let things be seen from all perspectives. Which sort of made me a natural contrarian, wanting to find the value in the thoughts and opinions of people who don't reflect the general consensus.

    I have a very simple modus operandi, myself. I always assume there's something I don't know, and approach every situation like there's something to be learned. The world has been persistently stubborn at acquiescing to my wants of it, so I often find I have to be the flexible one.

    Maybe it is your personality to stick hard to what you believe in. But whether or not you can change it? Well that's a different matter entirely. For me, it's more valuable to learn than to know. I don't like to assume I'm right, admittedly because I hate to be wrong.

    I often think of Nietzsche's concept of the Ubermensch. The pursuit of one's upgoing, to the pursuit of one's downgoing. If I were to believe that I am living my potential now, then I've drawn the line for which others can exceed me. Personally, I'd rather not make it that easy for them. So I'll continue to pursue potential and growth, to raise the bar for the ones that will do better.

  • Thankyou for the thoughtful response.  We will play checkers again soon if you like.

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