Am I unusual

Am I unusual in that  I didn't studiously plan my pathway to an autism  diagnosis? I had a  basic idea as to what autism was, but not anything like the minutae that many seeking a diagnosis have. It was very much a case of WYSIWYG with me. I didn't write copious notes detailing why I might be/was autistic.

  • I didn't even consider I was autistic, never mind studiously plan anything. I already had a diagnosis (well several), for many years. I just met a new therapy team who suspected I may have ASD and asked if I'd like to go through the diagnostic process. About a month later I no longer meet the criteria for bi-polar or boarderline personality disorder and have ASD instead (did keep cPTSD though).

    I also feel my pathway to an autism diagnosis was unusual. Reading the posts on this site it seems most peoples' path is to self diagnose, ask for a referral, which they wait many months or years for, and put together the reasons they are autistic. It does make me feel I can't quite relate to others here and wonder why my pathway was so different. It's nice to read I'm not the only one who feels their diagnostic journey was a little different and I wonder if anyone else had one similar to mine.

  • I didn't even consider I was autistic, never mind studiously plan anything. I already had a diagnosis (well several), for many years. I just met a new therapy team who suspected I may have ASD and asked if I'd like to go through the diagnostic process. About a month later I no longer meet the criteria for bi-polar or boarderline personality disorder and have ASD instead (did keep cPTSD though).

    I also feel my pathway to an autism diagnosis was unusual. Reading the posts on this site it seems most peoples' path is to self diagnose, ask for a referral, which they wait many months or years for, and put together the reasons they are autistic. It does make me feel I can't quite relate to others here and wonder why my pathway was so different. It's nice to read I'm not the only one who feels their diagnostic journey was a little different and I wonder if anyone else had one similar to mine.

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