Any advice for a kinaesthetic learner to get through chunks of reading?

I find that I learn the best when I can apply the materials, be it practically or theoretically. Other times I do quite well when I can apply allegory, thinking "So X is like Y, except blah blah blah.". But when reading a web page about say, a service like a college or something like that, where there's a lot of information that you just have to slog through, I find myself getting frustrated very quickly. Listening isn't ideal for me either as my mind tends to wander or fixate and lose track of the speaker. I've definitely done that "I haven't absorbed one word I've read this page, so now I have to start again." thing.

I'm thinking about my future and what I could do for a living. I know my best fit will probably be in something semi-administrative. I'd like to work in a writing field, like being an editor or a copywriter or some such thing. So finding as many ways to get through reading materials that works for me is important. Application and allegory can be useful tools to have, but not every text is going to facilitate that, so I need more tools under my belt. Any ideas?

  • note taking. With a pen. That way you are writing as you read and you have the feel of the pen in your hand to remind you of the key points in the text as you note them down.

  • note taking. With a pen. That way you are writing as you read and you have the feel of the pen in your hand to remind you of the key points in the text as you note them down.

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