Do autistic people have issues around people peeing

Do any autistic people ever like worry about needing to pee in public places. I have a lot of anxiety about going to outdoor events in case I need to pee or see others peeing. I guess because it’s a social thing and I struggle with social concepts. I mean I know it’s not always appropriate to pee outdoors but sometimes you see people doing it anyway. Hell sometimes we all have to do it now and again. But it’s like why are some things quite like normal but not normal too? Does it mean anything or am I just totally overthinking this? Does it not bother women if they see men doing it? I mean I feel like it would bother me if I was a women because I would think. Why can’t I do that? But maybe that’s my autistic mind at work. These are all things I care about and stuff. I remember once at school we all went to the park and we all needed to pee and the teacher said all the boys can go in the trees but the girls were like ‘why can’t we?’ Etc. I with my autistic mind as a kid struggled to understand this concept of how boys can do that but girls cannot. I felt sorry for the girls so I held it even though I wanted to do it. Am I like totally weird for overthinking something so trivial or do any of you or have any of you struggled to understand a simple social concept like the one I have described here? Man I am telling you that I overthink social concepts like crazy. I really am a socially awkward person for many reasons like that. Not knowing when to look away from somebody who’s talking, not knowing what face to put on for what emotions etc. not knowing how to express what I am feeling etc. why could this be? I guess I am really interested to see if any of you have issues around this, if it is an autistic thing struggling to understand a social concept, or if it’s just me and I am crazy or something? Because I will be honest like I totally overthink stuff like social concepts and stuff all the time. I don’t think any one has really started a discussion like the one I have just started. But yeh I have always wanted to ask about social concepts but have been afraid people will think I am crazy or something. Feel free to ask any questions. Anything at all.