Film night THIS week.

Film night THIS week will feature RIngo Starr & Barbra Bach in the epic stoneage film "Caveman".

  • I hope that the official night went ahead OK.

    I watched Caveman (1981) on Friday night.

    So, it wasn't my normal type of film - but it is good to watch new things that take us outside of our comfort zone now and then.

    I'm a hopeless romantic and I love that Ringo Starr met Catherine Bach on this film, and they got married and are still together over 40 years later.

    An unintentional thing that did make me laugh was that despite the caveman language, Ringo still had his distinctive scouse (Liverpool) accent. If you ever saw that video of the cat that meowed with a scouse accent, you'll know the kind of thing that I mean. (I'm a scouser, by the way)

    It was a little bit dated, particularly with a dodgy lack of consent scene that would never happen today in a PG film which made me uncomfortable.

    It was great to see Shelly Long from Cheers - I don't think that I had ever seen her in anything else. Dennis Quaid was in it too.

  • I hope that the official night went ahead OK.

    I watched Caveman (1981) on Friday night.

    So, it wasn't my normal type of film - but it is good to watch new things that take us outside of our comfort zone now and then.

    I'm a hopeless romantic and I love that Ringo Starr met Catherine Bach on this film, and they got married and are still together over 40 years later.

    An unintentional thing that did make me laugh was that despite the caveman language, Ringo still had his distinctive scouse (Liverpool) accent. If you ever saw that video of the cat that meowed with a scouse accent, you'll know the kind of thing that I mean. (I'm a scouser, by the way)

    It was a little bit dated, particularly with a dodgy lack of consent scene that would never happen today in a PG film which made me uncomfortable.

    It was great to see Shelly Long from Cheers - I don't think that I had ever seen her in anything else. Dennis Quaid was in it too.
