Does anybody have Dyscalculia?

I've not been diagnosed with it or anything but I know I have it. I am and always have been TERRIBLE when it comes to maths. I never managed to learn the times tables apart from 1, 2, 5, 9 and 10. 

I am always having to do additions on my hands, even simple things like 7+5.. I really struggle and have it count it out in my head and use my fingers. For bigger sums I have to use a piece of paper and really think about it or I wont be able to do it. I often use my calculator on my phone to do sums. Especially when shopping on a budget. I'll select my item and add it on my calculator to make sure I'm not going over my spending limit.

It also takes me a very long time to tell the time on an analogue clock. I'll have to sit there and count up to where the hand is. Similarly on a digital clock it has to be on the 12h setting. I get confused otherwise looking at like 17:36 and having to figure out what 17 is. 

Honestly it can be really embarrassing when I can't do simple maths.

  • The Panorama programme Was really interesting and basically be careful with offers. Sometimes, I get caught out. Also, price match posters lure you into the shop, and it's psychological. 

  • The Panorama programme Was really interesting and basically be careful with offers. Sometimes, I get caught out. Also, price match posters lure you into the shop, and it's psychological. 

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