Does anybody have Dyscalculia?

I've not been diagnosed with it or anything but I know I have it. I am and always have been TERRIBLE when it comes to maths. I never managed to learn the times tables apart from 1, 2, 5, 9 and 10. 

I am always having to do additions on my hands, even simple things like 7+5.. I really struggle and have it count it out in my head and use my fingers. For bigger sums I have to use a piece of paper and really think about it or I wont be able to do it. I often use my calculator on my phone to do sums. Especially when shopping on a budget. I'll select my item and add it on my calculator to make sure I'm not going over my spending limit.

It also takes me a very long time to tell the time on an analogue clock. I'll have to sit there and count up to where the hand is. Similarly on a digital clock it has to be on the 12h setting. I get confused otherwise looking at like 17:36 and having to figure out what 17 is. 

Honestly it can be really embarrassing when I can't do simple maths.

  • Worth watching tonight, Panorama on  BBC one at 8pm.

    Supermarket Deals: How Good Are They?

    As the cost-of-living squeeze continues to affect many, supermarkets say they’re doing what they can to help us save money, offering discounts and promotions. But just how good are these deals?

    Supermarkets taking on there words, with claims of matching the prices of discounters like Aldi and packaging that seems to disguise the true size of goods. 

    For example: some dog food hasn’t got much meat in it, coconut milk has little coconut in it, (not for me) Chicken nuggets don’t have much chicken in them at all.on

    In my first school (80s-90s approximately); the head teacher made us sing the time tables, while listening to green onions song. A good rhythm. Basically when I hear the song, reminds me of what we used to do. 

    Used to have a cassette tape with the time tables. Had a strange education as my high school closed down and everybody had to transfer to different schools. 

    Food shopping I look for price per unit and going through a fine tooth comb for offers (some not worth it);

  • Worth watching tonight, Panorama on  BBC one at 8pm.

    Supermarket Deals: How Good Are They?

    As the cost-of-living squeeze continues to affect many, supermarkets say they’re doing what they can to help us save money, offering discounts and promotions. But just how good are these deals?

    Supermarkets taking on there words, with claims of matching the prices of discounters like Aldi and packaging that seems to disguise the true size of goods. 

    For example: some dog food hasn’t got much meat in it, coconut milk has little coconut in it, (not for me) Chicken nuggets don’t have much chicken in them at all.on

    In my first school (80s-90s approximately); the head teacher made us sing the time tables, while listening to green onions song. A good rhythm. Basically when I hear the song, reminds me of what we used to do. 

    Used to have a cassette tape with the time tables. Had a strange education as my high school closed down and everybody had to transfer to different schools. 

    Food shopping I look for price per unit and going through a fine tooth comb for offers (some not worth it);

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