Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens

What do I mean by "Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens"?

Since your realisation of being, or being diagnosed autistic, have you looked at something that happened in your life and now makes more sense?

I am going to put my story in the first reply to keep this thread a bit neater. Hopefully what I am asking makes sense after reading it.

  • I was reminded this morning, over a nice breakfast in a café with my wife, of a time that happened back in my early 30s.

    I was not long in a new job, and this job involved me going to customer sites. I had to go to a new customer site in the week running up to Christmas - about 2003. I didn't know these people at all, because I was there on an IT job.

    At lunchtime, I found myself in a posh restaurant on their official Christmas party and had a nice Christmas dinner paid for in full.

    It was only retelling this odd story to my wife, that it was suggested that maybe I misremember, and I was possibly just asked along in that polite neuro-typical way where they actually expected my refusal to go. Now that I look back knowing that I am autistic, it is far more likely that I gate-crashed this Christmas lunch through a misunderstanding of politeness!

    Still, I got a nice lunch out of it!!! Joy

  • That is so funny. 

    A few things have come to mind from your question but I find I am cringing with embarrassment too much to share them. 

    Oh dear I am still at risk of taking things literally of course. But hopefully a bit wiser now I'm older Smile

  • That is so funny. 

    A few things have come to mind from your question but I find I am cringing with embarrassment too much to share them. 

    Oh dear I am still at risk of taking things literally of course. But hopefully a bit wiser now I'm older Smile

  • OK I looked after someone's cat once. Had a key visited avery day to feed it.

    It was a huge lovely house in the country.

    I commented that it was beautiful and they said well you're welcome to stay if you want. 

    Me and a friend moved in and had a couple of nights there. 

    The family came back early and were shocked to find me and my friend in their house.  They were very nice about it but couldn't remember offering for me to stay.

    Eugh still makes me feel hot and embarrassed Flushed  

  • I'd still love to hear them! We've all done embarrassing things here. Joy