Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens

What do I mean by "Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens"?

Since your realisation of being, or being diagnosed autistic, have you looked at something that happened in your life and now makes more sense?

I am going to put my story in the first reply to keep this thread a bit neater. Hopefully what I am asking makes sense after reading it.

Parents Reply
  • I'm afraid I know some Irish slang and I cannot help thinking what 'My low gee' would mean in that vernacular, every time I see your user name. Not to beat about the bush, no pun intended, 'gee' (hard G) means 'female genitals'.

  • RIGHT THERE, M That's one of the sources of your terrible life. 

    You instantly assumed Maritn was having a laugh at your expense, and reacted straight away ON THAT ASSUMPTION. 

    I read Martins post, and thought "That's a nice thing to do, to give the guy a heads up that his user name has a meaning that he probaly was not aware of".

    The good news is that you CAN easily stop doing that, M. and when you do, you will start to "win" a bit more often..

    For practice, Try re-reading Martins post but pretend brifly he is a good friend of yours, and not an unkown quantity, and see how it reads to you then. 

    Martin and I have at least as powerful and deep differing political beliefs, and those get to clash occasionally, BUT I also know that despite his catastrophically misguided politics, there's a lot more to the guy, and however he came to hold those beliefs isn't because he is stupid or bad, but more of an intriguing mystery. 

    FWIW,  Outside of this very obvious "issue" you are an interesting and valuable member of this community, and occassionally make some very good posts. 

    You really do shoot yourself in the foot that way, and since it's a problem I also have, I am qualified to both point it out, and also since I've managed to minimise it's impact on my life, by using the simple technique which I note you are learning NOW, (of making an effort to not react straight away but give myself time to simultaneously both test my assumptions, and also make a "best quality" response, which you don't often get by reacting quickly. 

    I know you don't like me, and may not have got this far, and certianly will distrust my motives, but I can't just sit here, and watch you make the same social blunder, over and over again, seemingly without realising it, which WILL be pulling the quality of your life dwn, espcially of you present the same with those who want to be part of your real, off forum life.  

    A good thing about me is that I am compelled to "fix things" if I can, and when I can, and it's appropriate I help others fix things for themselves.. 

    You really COULD fix that "flying off the handle" thing you have going on. I suggest by finding and using the right psycholgical "tricks". 

    It's WAY better than fighting to support a misunderstanding, then having to fight to sustain the misunderstanding after you've lost, which I remember doing a lot. THEN you can focus on the people who aren't having misunderstandings or even cracking wise, but are genuinely your enemy. 

    I don't really know you, so I've no Idea if I am really being helpful here or just aggravating you, but I truthfully assert that I am TRYING to lead you to a (slightly) happier place, as I see an advanatge to be had for YOU, the whole forum, and most importantly ME, IF I can lead you to a more helpful understanding about this one single thing.

     YOU and OTHERS can interact in at least 5 roles on this forum, being Friend, Ally, Neutral, Frenemy, Enemy.

    Why restrict yourself (or constrain others) to just the one or two roles that Black and White thinking tend to impose?? 


  • I was most definitely not trying to embarrass you in the slightest, I am autistic and we seldom resort to that sort of manipulation. I just wanted to inform you, as I know there are a number of Irish people who are regular posters and wanted to give you a 'heads up' about how your username was undoubtedly being perceived in certain quarters. 

  • The word gee has another meaning.  I am not embarrassed by new username in the slightest.

    In fact I'm more embarrassed by pathos free attempts to embarrass me.

    But then, this is the comedy thread.