Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens

What do I mean by "Funny life Events Seen Now Through the Autistic Lens"?

Since your realisation of being, or being diagnosed autistic, have you looked at something that happened in your life and now makes more sense?

I am going to put my story in the first reply to keep this thread a bit neater. Hopefully what I am asking makes sense after reading it.

  • As a school prefect, I saw the biggest thug and bully in the school hoisting a smaller boy into one of the huge wheeled school bins. I went up to the thug and gave him a lecture, promising to report him to the head, which I later did. I think he was too surprised to throw me in the bin as well. Everyone I told about the incident was shocked at my temerity, but I just saw rules being broken and a boy being flagrantly bullied. Inflexible thinking is sometimes quite useful.

  • As a school prefect, I saw the biggest thug and bully in the school hoisting a smaller boy into one of the huge wheeled school bins. I went up to the thug and gave him a lecture, promising to report him to the head, which I later did. I think he was too surprised to throw me in the bin as well. Everyone I told about the incident was shocked at my temerity, but I just saw rules being broken and a boy being flagrantly bullied. Inflexible thinking is sometimes quite useful.
