Groups and chats

I find this place best so far for communication and experience exchange, also for advice. But sometimes I visit some other places to see what’s there. Some time ago I joined a group on instagram. Group for autistic people, all of them diagnosed, but only not me. They had no issue with me not being officially diagnosed. First everyone wrote some short introduction and then I observed what topics people have. They complained about things which I also struggle with (sensory issues) then there was a long thread about fidgeting toys (not very interesting for me) and then someone started talking about self harm and su***de. It was quite messy and scary especially when that person started accusing everyone around that it’s everyone else’s fault etc. I only asked a question if there are any UFO lovers. First there was silence and finally someone answered who would be so crazy to have interest in UFO? 
this is totally not what I have expected from autistic people. Of course not everyone must be interested with this topic, but I thought I would meet other people who also have and understand a bit unusual interests. But I just got disappointed. 
So I’m like always here, not always active for some personal reasons, but here. Have others here any experience with other groups? 

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