What do I want for xmas?

I've been asked to compile a list of things I'd like for xmas and as ever I have no idea, beyond some of my favourite body lotion. Every year this question comes along and every year I've little idea of how to answer it. I don't get anxious about it like I used to as a child, but now instead of thier being to many things to choose from, now there seems not enough as I live quite simply.

I've got loads of gardening tools.

I'm reluctant to ask for clothes as I'm not easy to buy for.

For some reason people seem reluctant to buy me books?

I've got enough kitchen equipment.

My DiL is quite good and was the only person to take me seriously when I asked for a bright pink wheelbarrow, but there are things I would really like that she can't buy me, like new knees!

Does anyone else find themselves in a similar dilema?

  • What I really want for Christmas is not the usual material stuff, it is instead for our political leaders globally to turn away from the path of evil that they have taken all of us on these past 4 years, to turn back to God and to work towards restoring real peace, real security and start obeying His Commandments, especially where this involves our children and our young people - there is a reason for the season of Christmas that does not involve presents and the material world and in my 30 years working in supermarkets, I’ve always focused on the real Real Reason for Christmas with is the reality of Christ’s Birth among us as an expression of God’s Love for us 

  • What I really want for Christmas is not the usual material stuff, it is instead for our political leaders globally to turn away from the path of evil that they have taken all of us on these past 4 years, to turn back to God and to work towards restoring real peace, real security and start obeying His Commandments, especially where this involves our children and our young people - there is a reason for the season of Christmas that does not involve presents and the material world and in my 30 years working in supermarkets, I’ve always focused on the real Real Reason for Christmas with is the reality of Christ’s Birth among us as an expression of God’s Love for us 

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