What have you been up too today?

I've had a long walk with my dog, then I went and tried to find something to tell my DiL to get me for xmas, she wants our lists early so as she can do her financial planing. I've been to the library and the garden centre, where I got a pack of free daffodil bulbs.

I think tomorow will be spent gardening

  • Visited the Community Garden I planned to meet a man at. He said that, for horticulture classes, it would be best to attend a municipal park, at a nearby town, run by the Council.

    Emailed the Council, expressing interest in lessons.

  • Visited the Community Garden I planned to meet a man at. He said that, for horticulture classes, it would be best to attend a municipal park, at a nearby town, run by the Council.

    Emailed the Council, expressing interest in lessons.

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