What have you been up too today?

I've had a long walk with my dog, then I went and tried to find something to tell my DiL to get me for xmas, she wants our lists early so as she can do her financial planing. I've been to the library and the garden centre, where I got a pack of free daffodil bulbs.

I think tomorow will be spent gardening

Parents Reply
  • I had a nother good walk with my dog, trimmed some bushes and stuffed the clipings into the green bin ready to put out for collection tomorrow. Then I read some of my new book I downloaded from kindle on how Romanised Britain actually became during the 400 years of occupation.

  • We have a pond that's as deep as she dug it, we had to stop her or I think she'd of kept going until she hit bedrock! She has dug up a couple of things, but luckily, touch wood, not recently. She seems to prefer digging up the "lawn" which I'm fine with, I hate the thing, it's just rough field grass and I'd like to replace it with water permeable hard landscapping and more plants.

    I've not got that far into the book yet, but it would seem that Romanisation was a veneer over the top of society and became less of a thing as the centuries wore on and even by the late 2nd and 3rd centuries was a distinctly British version of Romanitas. Given that when the legions departed which is the official end of Roman Britain it looked very similar to what it had been in the Iron Age. I think something were more readily adopted than others, just like we adopted so many East Asian and American things, tv programs, foods, tech etc, we've not been conquered by those countries, just adopted what we like and find useful, I think we did that with Romanisation.

  • Interesting - how Romanised did Britain become? 

  • Yeah. And she often "helps" you with the gardening, digging up the plants, doesn't she Cat? Smile

  • She's a lurcher, called Fearn, she's a mix of greyhound, saluki and whippet

  • Of all the contexts to learn that a site has a profanity filter, this has to be the most wholesome one I've seen yet.

  • After all these months, I didn't know you had a dog, When someone says 'dog' my ears *** up like a dog's. What is it? What's it like?