I hate having autism.

I'll be straightforward.

I hate having autism

I hate the fact that there's so much rubbish going on in the world.

The world seems to get worse every day.

I see no hope for the world.

I hate having autism.

I hate having autism

I wish I was never born.

I hate it when people discriminate against autistic people, or say stupid things like "oh everybody's a little bit autistic" or some other rubbish.

I hate what autism does to me. Im afraid of everything now.

Im an ugly *** and I wish I wasn't alive.

Every day I hope I die in my sleep.

Im so behind in life and I see no point.

  • Hi Joseph

    There is no "point" to anything in our world that I can see, but it's rather an amazing coincidence that our planet had just the right conditions for life to allow us to evolve to where we are now. Look around and be amazed at what we've achieved - the architecture of buildings, the technologies of things like flight, electricity & communication, the creative skills in paintings and sculpture. 

    Lots of things can be seen as "good" or "bad", such as fire, atomic power, the internet, or even the oceans. How we use, or even how we think about things, can change our view of them.

    Lots of people, including those without autism, think the world is 'going to hell in a handcart', but the human race has always had struggles - you only have to study history to see that.

    Most of us here have wished we were "normal" at some point, but there is no normal. We are all individuals, and we all have to take responsibility for our own lives and decide what to do with them.

    You cannot be behind in life, because it's not a race or a competition. Ignore the comments of those who are ill informed, back away from "social" media, work out what will make you happy and try to work towards that.

    Nobody will judge you here, for your autism, your looks, or anything else. Ask us anything you want and we'll try to support you.

  • Hi Pixiefox, thank you for your response. I acknowledge that I am quite a pessimistic person, and that there is plenty of good in the world. I've cut down my social media usage substantially over the past few years but I still don't feel good enough. I guess I should think more before typing and posting. I start my new job next week and I want to fit in with the other people. I am very anxious as this is my first proper job and it is a lot of responsibility. I try to see the beauty in the world around me. I'll try to consider the positives of life a bit more.

  • You are very welcome.

    We all have days when everything seems terrible and we wonder what the point is - don't worry about saying what is on your mind, we all.understand.

    Good to hear about your job - hope it goes well.

  • You are very welcome.

    We all have days when everything seems terrible and we wonder what the point is - don't worry about saying what is on your mind, we all.understand.

    Good to hear about your job - hope it goes well.

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