Science, A Modified Displacement Formula for Non-Zero Displacements

Helllo there, 

I always dreamed of becoming a scientist, but I couldn't get into university. Still, I managed to modify the displacement law, which had been troubling me at zero. I hope you enjoy the modification


The standard displacement formula, Δx=xf−xi​, can result in zero displacement when xf=xi This limitation is particularly problematic in applications such as simulations, numerical analyses, and contexts requiring continuous motion. For instance, in robotics and animation, zero displacement can cause issues with position tracking and visual continuity. To address this challenge, we propose a modified displacement formula designed to ensure non-zero displacement, which is crucial for accurate modeling and simulation.


Redefining Initial Position:

To avoid zero displacement, we introduce a small positive constant ϵ\epsilonϵ. The modified initial position xi′ ​ is defined as:


where ϵ is a small value, selected to be contextually appropriate. The displacement formula then becomes:


This modification ensures that the displacement Δx′ is always non-zero, thus preventing zero displacement in scenarios where continuous motion is required.

  • Now can you make F=MA work in the context of me trying to push a car with seized-on brakes?

    (Plenty of F & M not so much A)

  • F = m a

    m ≠ 0, so if there is no acceleration, a, this means the vector sum of the forces, F, is zero.

    In this case the force you apply in pushing the car is matched equally by the seized on brakes.

  • The caveat to my observation is I dropped out of school when I was in year 8. Slight smile

  • I know your feelings, i dropped the science school too.. And moved to commercial one for the same reasons Neutral face

  • I am completely self-taught, the only problem being I'm not a very good teacher Slight smile

  • I started school when I was eight years old, because of childhood illnesses, and I dropped out when I was 14 years old.

    I am 66 now and was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year.

    When I went to secondary school it was a nightmare for me from day one. It was a jungle and only the strong survived and that didn't include me.The school had over 1800 students and I knew no one. I have severe social anxiety and don't read people in any way - facial expressions, body language, social cues. I didn't and still don't read bullies and predators. I was also physically small and one of the youngest students, simply by date of birth. Guess what? I was bullied; relentlessly. I never understood why.

    In the three years I attended secondary school I learned not one iota. I am a very slow learner, I have difficulty learning in a structured environment.

    I had no support from my parents or the school so at the end of the third year I simply stopped going as a matter of self preservation. No one noticed or care so, at the time, it was win-win. The school lost a disruptive student and I wasn't being bullied.

    Also, it didn't help that I was being abused during this period Disappointed

    Now, back to F = m a .....

  • Why did you leave school?Why you dropped the school 

Reply Children
  • I know your feelings, i dropped the science school too.. And moved to commercial one for the same reasons Neutral face

  • I am completely self-taught, the only problem being I'm not a very good teacher Slight smile

  • I started school when I was eight years old, because of childhood illnesses, and I dropped out when I was 14 years old.

    I am 66 now and was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year.

    When I went to secondary school it was a nightmare for me from day one. It was a jungle and only the strong survived and that didn't include me.The school had over 1800 students and I knew no one. I have severe social anxiety and don't read people in any way - facial expressions, body language, social cues. I didn't and still don't read bullies and predators. I was also physically small and one of the youngest students, simply by date of birth. Guess what? I was bullied; relentlessly. I never understood why.

    In the three years I attended secondary school I learned not one iota. I am a very slow learner, I have difficulty learning in a structured environment.

    I had no support from my parents or the school so at the end of the third year I simply stopped going as a matter of self preservation. No one noticed or care so, at the time, it was win-win. The school lost a disruptive student and I wasn't being bullied.

    Also, it didn't help that I was being abused during this period Disappointed

    Now, back to F = m a .....

  • Why did you leave school?Why you dropped the school