Science, A Modified Displacement Formula for Non-Zero Displacements

Helllo there, 

I always dreamed of becoming a scientist, but I couldn't get into university. Still, I managed to modify the displacement law, which had been troubling me at zero. I hope you enjoy the modification


The standard displacement formula, Δx=xf−xi​, can result in zero displacement when xf=xi This limitation is particularly problematic in applications such as simulations, numerical analyses, and contexts requiring continuous motion. For instance, in robotics and animation, zero displacement can cause issues with position tracking and visual continuity. To address this challenge, we propose a modified displacement formula designed to ensure non-zero displacement, which is crucial for accurate modeling and simulation.


Redefining Initial Position:

To avoid zero displacement, we introduce a small positive constant ϵ\epsilonϵ. The modified initial position xi′ ​ is defined as:


where ϵ is a small value, selected to be contextually appropriate. The displacement formula then becomes:


This modification ensures that the displacement Δx′ is always non-zero, thus preventing zero displacement in scenarios where continuous motion is required.

  • not really. Adding an infinitesamal to 0 won't fix dead zone or sensor noise issues. For starters how do you know you are corecting in the right direction. Depending on the sign or your error maybe you should be adding or subtracting. Maybe your 'very small number' is actually bigger than any error once in a while. All real world controle systems are aproxomate. There is no mathermatical trick for getting around the inherent precision limits of sensors and motors.

  • My point about zero displacement issues is more about practical considerations in real-world scenarios:

     Even if the system is designed to return to
    x=a, practical sensors might have limitations in precision or be affected by noise, potentially causing them to miss or inaccurately register very small displacements.

    Moreover, In computational implementations, rounding errors or limitations in numerical precision can sometimes result in tiny displacements being treated as zero, which might impact the control system’s performance.

     Practical systems might face challenges such as dead zones or limitations in control resolution that could affect the handling of very small deviations.

    While the control system you described is robust, addressing these practical aspects helps ensure that even the smallest movements are detected and managed accurately, which is crucial in high-precision applications.

    I hope this clarifies why zero displacement issues can be relevant in specific contexts.

  • I know your feelings, i dropped the science school too.. And moved to commercial one for the same reasons Neutral face

  • I am completely self-taught, the only problem being I'm not a very good teacher Slight smile

  • I started school when I was eight years old, because of childhood illnesses, and I dropped out when I was 14 years old.

    I am 66 now and was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year.

    When I went to secondary school it was a nightmare for me from day one. It was a jungle and only the strong survived and that didn't include me.The school had over 1800 students and I knew no one. I have severe social anxiety and don't read people in any way - facial expressions, body language, social cues. I didn't and still don't read bullies and predators. I was also physically small and one of the youngest students, simply by date of birth. Guess what? I was bullied; relentlessly. I never understood why.

    In the three years I attended secondary school I learned not one iota. I am a very slow learner, I have difficulty learning in a structured environment.

    I had no support from my parents or the school so at the end of the third year I simply stopped going as a matter of self preservation. No one noticed or care so, at the time, it was win-win. The school lost a disruptive student and I wasn't being bullied.

    Also, it didn't help that I was being abused during this period Disappointed

    Now, back to F = m a .....

  • Why did you leave school?Why you dropped the school 

  • ok I'm still not seeing the issue. Supose I have a 1 axis robotic system. I want the arm to move to a given point a and stay there. There is a displasment sensor on the arm so I program an equation for the force like so

    f=-b(x-a) (or -c sign(x-a) if abs(b(x-a))>c)

    and of course f = m d^2x/dt^2 so even if an external force comes along and displaces the arm or if the sensor has some noise it will keep returning to aproxomatly point a because what we have is mathermaticly equivalent to a spring.

    The computer controle system will constantly monitor the displacement sensor and apply the apropreat force. If x=a it will just apply 0 force and the moment it drifts the computer will apply force again ... I don't see the issue here.

  • The caveat to my observation is I dropped out of school when I was in year 8. Slight smile

  • F = m a

    m ≠ 0, so if there is no acceleration, a, this means the vector sum of the forces, F, is zero.

    In this case the force you apply in pushing the car is matched equally by the seized on brakes.

  • Surgical Robots


    Satellite Positioning

    Spacecraft Maneuvering

    CNC Machines

    Laser Cutting and Engraving


    Experimental Physics

    Character Animation

    Virtual Reality (VR).. Etc 

    My world too.. 

  • Thank you for your question! You’re right that introducing a small

    ϵ won’t solve issues like numerical instability or fundamentally change how the Euler method operates, especially in stiff systems or complex ODE/PDE solvers. However, the purpose of my approach isn’t to fix broader issues like stability, but rather to handle specific cases where zero displacement becomes problematic.
    In applications such as robotics, animation, or position tracking, zero displacement can lead to issues with motion continuity and path tracking. By introducing a small

    ϵ, I ensure that even minimal movements are registered, preventing the system from stalling due to rounding errors or small velocities.

    For instance, in a robotic system, where small movements are significant for tasks like assembly or navigation, adding

    ϵ helps maintain continuous motion. This is especially important in real-world scenarios where small but detectable displacements matter. The modified formula prevents the system from treating very small movements as zero, which could affect performance

    I completely agree that

    ϵ doesn’t address the broader limitations of methods like explicit Euler, particularly in cases where numerical stability is a concern (e.g., stiff systems). More advanced methods like Runge-Kutta or implicit solvers would be more appropriate for those cases.

    In short, my proposal focuses on solving a specific problem of non-zero displacement in certain applications, rather than addressing the fundamental limitations of numerical methods.

  • Well minimal movements you can detect are going to be corected for. Frankly I still don't see the issue. How exactly do you think a robotic arm or numerical ODE/PDE solver will behave difrently using these infimatesimals you are adding on to 0s? How is the numerical algorithem suposed to treat them difrently? for example, Lets consider the explicit eular apromation ( for solving ODEs for simplicities sake. How do you supose your proposal would modify it's function?

  • But if point A and B are the same, and you ask it to move from point A to B, then no movement is the logical and desird behavior.

  • Benefits of the Modified Formula:

    • Non-Zero Displacement: Ensures that even minimal movements are represented, which is essential for applications like robotics where continuous tracking of position is critical. For example, in a robotic arm simulation, ensuring non-zero displacement can help in accurate path planning and obstacle avoidance.
    • Numerical Stability: Helps prevent computational artifacts in simulations where zero displacement could lead to errors or instability. For instance, in numerical fluid dynamics simulations, ensuring non-zero displacement helps maintain stability in iterative calculations.
  • Benefits of the Modified Formula:

    • Non-Zero Displacement: Ensures that even minimal movements are represented, which is essential for applications like robotics where continuous tracking of position is critical. For example, in a robotic arm simulation, ensuring non-zero displacement can help in accurate path planning and obstacle avoidance.
    • Numerical Stability: Helps prevent computational artifacts in simulations where zero displacement could lead to errors or instability. For instance, in numerical fluid dynamics simulations, ensuring non-zero displacement helps maintain stability in iterative calculations.
  • We can use it in many ways..

    Benefits of the Modified Formula:

    • Non-Zero Displacement: Ensures that even minimal movements are represented, which is essential for applications like robotics where continuous tracking of position is critical. For example, in a robotic arm simulation, ensuring non-zero displacement can help in accurate path planning and obstacle avoidance.
    • Numerical Stability: Helps prevent computational artifacts in simulations where zero displacement could lead to errors or instability. For instance, in numerical fluid dynamics simulations, ensuring non-zero displacement helps maintain stability in iterative calculations.
  • Riight?! He is amzing person.. Have you watched his interview when he get a question about his feelings towards nobel prize?