Any role players with funny stories?

I'll start off. I was in a Pathfinder game, playing a catfolk rogue named Fergus the Glim. He was abandoned as an infant in a gnomish village, where he was raised under their... peculiar sensibilities. In adolescence, his curiosity saw him follow a merchant wagon all the way to a city, completely losing track of the way home. Now he lives in the city, with no common sense and a liberal sense of ownership.

So Fergus had this bucket. And on this bucket was a carved list of things he wanted to do before he died. Steal a noble's trousers, dance with a princess, come back from the dead, that sort of thing. He took this bucket everywhere, including to a dinner invitation at a noble's house. Well, he didn't make off with anyone's trousers, but he had another use for the bucket. He would offer it up to the noble family for anyone who wanted to donate alms to the poor. Quite a genuine gesture, as his personal current adventuring goal was to make a birthday feast for a slum boy he knew.

Well, the nobles weren't as magnanimous as they pretended to be. But next to Fergus was sat the family's youngest child, who carried the family cat in his lap. At some point during the evening, the cat leapt into the bucket for a spot to rest, as cats are wont to do. This I took note of, and the DM swiftly forgot. So when it was time to leave, and I made special mention of retrieving my bucket, no word was said about the sleeping cat. Not all the way home, to the other side of the city.

I still remember the shock and horror when I asked the DM how much I could get for selling such a fine and pristine cat to a new home. "You stole their cat?!" she exclaimed. "Nay I did not," I replied, "The cat clearly donated herself!"

  • So let me set the scene I'm the dm we have arrived at a seemingly empty Inn(the stonehill inn)e party had just killed one of two groups of cranium rats they go back to the common room and open a small room "a halfling sits on the privy and shouts ina  scared voice PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" the human rouge says I will stab him with my dagger I decide to take it upon my self to roll this action due to its unusual nature and it not overly fitting any skill check I decide it will carry a 15 dc bang nat 20 "you hear the last breath of the poor innocent halfling" cue the halfling dmpc "blimey what was that for you murderer" the halfling dmpc wouldn't let it drop for a whole 11 sessions when I decided to resolve that the deceased was actually an agent of an evil cult of demons sent as a spy who in this 11th session was resurrected by a spell let out by a necromancer in his dying breath ... he explains himself... cue the words "I kill him with my dagger" i decide on a dexterity check nat 20 but I decide to contest this with a perception check nat1 "'the halfling doesnt notice you grabbing at your dagger holster he once again gasps a final breath"

  • So let me set the scene I'm the dm we have arrived at a seemingly empty Inn(the stonehill inn)e party had just killed one of two groups of cranium rats they go back to the common room and open a small room "a halfling sits on the privy and shouts ina  scared voice PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" the human rouge says I will stab him with my dagger I decide to take it upon my self to roll this action due to its unusual nature and it not overly fitting any skill check I decide it will carry a 15 dc bang nat 20 "you hear the last breath of the poor innocent halfling" cue the halfling dmpc "blimey what was that for you murderer" the halfling dmpc wouldn't let it drop for a whole 11 sessions when I decided to resolve that the deceased was actually an agent of an evil cult of demons sent as a spy who in this 11th session was resurrected by a spell let out by a necromancer in his dying breath ... he explains himself... cue the words "I kill him with my dagger" i decide on a dexterity check nat 20 but I decide to contest this with a perception check nat1 "'the halfling doesnt notice you grabbing at your dagger holster he once again gasps a final breath"

  • That's a cracker and boy don't you wish for situations like that? Well I guess you got to live it so good for you. My luck has been getting my characters instant-killed by the DM rolling triple natural 20s on two different occassions. I made them glorious deaths though.