Doctor who idea

Ok so I have had this idea forever (if you ever find your self working on the show use it haha)

As a way to reboot the show we have a monologue that explains alternative timelines an this new dr is a dr who left galifrey at a younger age OR it's the peter Cushing dr and he invents regenaration 

It would be a series of films with 2 over arching plots one is the dr chasing the master through space and time the other Is each film has a little monologue where an unknown female is talking about being stuck in a status field for millions of years but its leaking time in and she hears voices some are her past selves some future and others are people she usnt sure are from her universe and this turns out ot be the dr and in the last film all 12 other drs come to save her

Each film would end with the dr and any companions about to start an adventure the next film would start with us seeing the end of an unrelated adventure to show the passage of time and mabie they look aged or clothes look older ect 

Regeberations wouldn't take place on any schedule and would only be filmed during the early post production stages to avoid spoilers and would appear sometimes at the start some times part way in and sometimes at the end of a film

This would all allow for radio shows comic books video games books etc to exist without complicating the events as no timeline gaps would be specified in length 

  • The book of day of the doctor has 10 and 11 talking about the films being made of their adventures and laughing that hes called dr who 

    I never liked that idea 

    With my idea the 8th would be Paul mcgann again the 9th would be Richard e grant and 13 would be female because even in the comic relief where Rowan Atkinson is 9 the 13th is female I like the idea of other universes having some things staying the same 

    I would keep the timeless child story but it would be the master and I would have it so that's why the timelords sent the drums to his head but it would be the sisterhood of Kahn that harness the power and they gift it to doctor who 

    And post regeneration ha would choose the name of the doctor to which hes asked doctor who? And he would say yes that was who I was 

    It would also be nice to be able to recast sarah Jane but that wouldn't work in the tv show timeline 

    Plus it the rumours are true and doctor who is heading towards a 3rd hiatus then it would be the perfect way to reinvent doctor who 

    Oh and an idea I have had even for the normal tv show the time war should of slowly started because the timelords sent thr doctor to stop the daleks being created and mabie the guilt of finding this out could result in 16 being Chris elecston as his doctor always has the most guilt and anger over the time war 

  • I *love* that you use Peter Cushing. I am a big fan of his and always thought that his Doctor could be a doctor *after* all the TV doctors. You're idea is brilliant.