Travel assistance for my autistic child to school

Hi Everyone,

My name is Rachel, I am new to community forums. I could really use some help & advice on how to settle my 4 year old son into his routine with travel assistance journey to school. I plan on taking him to school myself for the first few weeks for him to get settled with the staff there etc. The travel assistance company has agreed for the driver and the ride along to meet my son, so he has seen their faces but i dont believe this will be enough for my son to go into the car with them without me.

The company will not allow me to get into the car with him as there will be other kids in the car, so this isnt an option to get him comfortable with them (theres 2 form of travel assistance one is the local borough school bus & the other is private license taxi drivers that have a specific license allowing them to have this contract with local authorities to take kids to school).

Has anyone gone through this? How did you get your child to be comfortable and not cry or get upset when going to & from school in travel assistance without you?

  • Hey Rachel! I had a similar issue with my kid. We did a few practice runs where we pretended the car rides were a fun adventure. I used toy cars and even showed him some videos of kids having fun in cars. It made the idea of the car ride less intimidating. Also, letting him bring a favorite toy or blanket helped a lot. I think making it as positive and exciting as possible really eased the transition for us.

  • Hey Rachel! I had a similar issue with my kid. We did a few practice runs where we pretended the car rides were a fun adventure. I used toy cars and even showed him some videos of kids having fun in cars. It made the idea of the car ride less intimidating. Also, letting him bring a favorite toy or blanket helped a lot. I think making it as positive and exciting as possible really eased the transition for us.

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