What do you think about the idea that autistic people should have our own state

I am curious because there is an actual (online) movement for this which I am a part of and I am interested in your opinions

  • I guess I do have my own state (of mind), I can escape there whenever I want.

    State, as in physical location? I don't think it would be the utopia you imagine, due to the variation in the autistic population.

    I don't think exclusion, voluntary or selective, is ever a good thing. A community flourishes when it accepts the diversity and variety of skills and people and thoughts and creativity of everyone. Eugenics hasn't worked well in the past, let's learn from that.

  • A large number of Autistic people can't work due to incapacity.

    It would thus be ideal to help these people.

    Where would the taxes come from to support all those people? You'd have a small number of workers paying tax to support a much larger group of people.  That would create conflict.

    Maybe in an NT society, but I'd imagine in an autistic society it would be different. We won't know until we try, though.

    My ideal world is like the movie 28 days Later. I would want to wander free and unimpeded by any other human being. My soul finally free and unburdened by having to deal with others.

    I want that too, but NTs will always want us to be a part of their society unless we defend ourselves.

    Edit: I accidentally replied to the wrong person and can't delete my reply :agony:

  • I saw it so it's ok. Slight smile

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