Fascination with etymology

Did you know that the word for the colour orange comes from the fruit, not the other way round? https://www.omniglot.com/bloggle/?p=14856

Our name for the fruit comes from the Sanskrit for the name of the tree. Other languages name the fruit after the Portuguese who traded it, or after the Chinese who first cultivated it.

  • I'd heard that about orange before, but not about blue. It makes me wonder how what we call colour is a sort of mutual agreement? When you're a child, someone tells you that the grass is green and the sky blue and you just accept it, but is it really true?

  • I'd heard that about orange before, but not about blue. It makes me wonder how what we call colour is a sort of mutual agreement? When you're a child, someone tells you that the grass is green and the sky blue and you just accept it, but is it really true?
