Pssst, don't tell anyone but...

Come on guys 'fess up about all your secrets or not secrets but the things you don't do that everyone else seems too!

I haven't played a computor game since the late 1980's, I can't use a joystick or a controller.

I've never read Harry Potter or watched any of the films.

I don't like chips or fries.

  • Cars.

    Why are they status symbols?

    They are just a tin can with wheels to me ...

  • When I was doing my assessment, I kept on emailing them with random thoughts that I thought might help them assess me, There were loads - they were glad to see the back of me, I'm sure. And probably most of them just meant that I was crazy, not just autistic.

    Anyway, this one of yours made me dig out the email. I said...

    "I don't care about cars. People love cars. They are a tool. I often don't recognise our own car for a few seconds. I have no idea about other cars apart from maybe the colour and rough size. I was out on a date once many years ago and due to my other problem with having a rubbish sense of direction, I thought my car had been stolen because I was looking in the wrong car park. She said later that she was amazed because I was just “oh, well…” and not bothered."

    1. In my assessment I was asked if I like any smells that others don't. The answer was yes my dogs feet I love that smell. But I kept quiet too weird I thought. But actually was a perfect time to share. 
  • I don't remember having to write anything for my assesment, I remeber being given a tessetaltion test and refused to do it as I'd had one at a learning difficulties assessment and the assessor said she'd never seen anyone do like me. I poked the pieces around trying to get them to fit, she said most people picked them up and turned them about.

  • The order that the posts with replies appear is nuts. I hope that the new system that we change to in September is better.

  • Sorry can't get the hang of this I replied to myself instead of to you. Please see above. 

  • Sorry can't get the hang of this I replied to myself instead of to you. Please see above. 

  • Sounds good Blush

    Yes I know what you mean about Google maps. So what I do is use car mode not walking mode. Trouble is you have to go sometimes a longer route one way streets for example I go the car way.

  •  that's lovely! Now I wonder if one day I should make a thread "things you wrote/said in your assessment that didn't actually appear in your report and so just mean that you are bonkers". Regarding Google Maps - it's great to have, but my problem is that I can't orientate myself on the map. I have to start walking in a random direction until I can see the dot move. Then I can go the right way.

  • that's lovely. Now I wonder if one day I should make a thread "things you wrote/said in your assessment that didn't actually appear in your report and so just mean that you are bonkers". Regarding Google Maps - it's great to have, but my problem is that I can't orientate myself on the map. I have to start walking in a random direction until I can see the dot move. Then I can go the right way.

  • that's lovely. Now I wonder if one day I should make a thread "things you wrote/said in your assessment that didn't actually appear in your report and so just mean that you are bonkers". Regarding Google Maps - it's great to have, but my problem is that I can't orientate myself on the map. I have to start walking in a random direction until I can see the dot move. Then I can go the right way.
