Pssst, don't tell anyone but...

Come on guys 'fess up about all your secrets or not secrets but the things you don't do that everyone else seems too!

I haven't played a computor game since the late 1980's, I can't use a joystick or a controller.

I've never read Harry Potter or watched any of the films.

I don't like chips or fries.

  • Never have I ever...

    gone to a sporting event

    attended a church service willingly

    bent the knee to tyrany

    gone to China

    hit a person

    cursed a person to their face

    listened to a Taylor Swift song

    nor a Katy Perry song

    seen Man of LaMancha

    been to the Sorbonne

    seen Frozen (sorry FH)

    seen the Lion King

    had a credit card

    owned my own home (see above)

    been drunk nor high

    I'm sure I'm missing something.. oh yea..

    eaten a bug

  • I too have never seen Frozen or been to a church Sunday service. I have never had a tattoo.

    I can’t forgive you for never seeing ‘The Man of LaMancha’, there is an episode of Quantum Leap called ‘Catch a falling star’, Sam leaps into the stage show and plays Don Quixote, you can still dare to Dream the impossible dream! 

  • I am summarily chastened. it is inexcusable, I know.

    Well, will having seen the "Pirates of Penzance" absolve me, instead?

    Does reading DQ, in the original Spanish count?

    Or seeing Terry Gilliam's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote"?

    I remember QL well and loved the show but not the Man of LaMancha episode. sounds funny. I must have a block on the whole Man of LaMancha phenomenon.

  • You are absolved just for reading in Spanish, plus you’re not a church goer so I’m always going to like you. I don’t believe in religion, thank god!

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