Pssst, don't tell anyone but...

Come on guys 'fess up about all your secrets or not secrets but the things you don't do that everyone else seems too!

I haven't played a computor game since the late 1980's, I can't use a joystick or a controller.

I've never read Harry Potter or watched any of the films.

I don't like chips or fries.

  • I don't  know how to turn our television on let alone find which of the various remote controls to use in which order and then which buttons to press in which order.

    I find remote controls exceptionally confusing and don't use them.

    I therefore only use knobs.

    TVs no longer have knobs, which to me is a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions.


  • This is what TVs should look like (note the knobs):

  • We often had old TV,s in the house when I was a child, I used to take them apart to see how they worked. I should have known then that I was different.

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