Film night, Success at last!!

As some may already know, a year and a half ago, after a rash of posts indicaong boredom and social isolation in teh members of this site, I had the Idea of running a zoom based "Film Night".

As some may also know it was not well (Or at all!) attended...

But that has now changed, last week we had a record number of attendees, and next week looks to be the same.


This week we are screening "A Street Cat Named BOB"  A "true story" film about a cat and a human who rescue each other..


If anyone would like to join us, here's how it works:

At 9pm on Sunday night I run a film in a ZOOM session. I do NOT supply video, and I talk as little as possible.  

When after some 40 minutes the session "times out" I pause the film, log into our number 2 zoom accunt and wait for people to log in before resuming the film.

When after another 40 minutes the session "times out" I pause the film, log into our number 1 zoom accunt and wait for people to log in before resuming the film.

Peopel talk a lot of smack about zoom sometimes, al I know is that it appeared right when covid happened, and made it possibel to keep in touch daily when we coudl not travel all for no visible cost, and they allowed more than 24 hours per session during covid. I had one of my lonelier friends (his wife died) living in my garage virtually for a while... 

  • Those bots are getting more clever.

    It's a great idea, but that is far too late for me - I'm in bed by 10pm most nights.

    I was wondering if to keep things anon, you could also try the film equivalent of a listening party - i.e. people start a film at the same time on Netflix or whatever, and then chat about it on here. Or just be comforted in the fact that people are watching at the same time, and can be chatted about the next day. There is a lot to be said for just knowing people are watching something the same time as you. Its something that is missing from streaming.

  • I've tried start times times between 6 and 9.

    Each proposed time draws a similar respnse from someone... 

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