Is Hercule Poirot autistic?

Hello everyone!

I'm self-diagnosed, currently on the waiting list for NHS assessment and based in Cornwall.

I'm about to begin (September 2024) a PhD project called "Little Grey Cells: Detecting Autism in the Cosy Crime Genre" exploring the role of autistic characterisation in the cosy crime subgenre from 1920 - 2020. Alongside my research, I'm developing a Cornish crime novel featuring an autistic amateur detective. 

My research begins with Hercule Poirot, who many autistic and non-autistic readers "headcanon" as being autistic:

Is Hercule Poirot autistic? Here are seven clues that he might be ( 

There are a number of characters in Agatha Christie's books who are sometimes read as autistic, and there is even speculation about Christie herself. 

Does anyone have any suggestions of characters within crime fiction (specifically cosy or Golden Age, but not exclusively) who could be read as autistic? Explicitly autistic detectives are now quite commonplace in crime fiction, and my research will explore the context within which that has developed. I'm not just looking for autistic detectives it can supporting characters as well.

Any thoughts anyone has would be really welcome! 

  • From the books, not the shows, I would say the most openly expressed ND person could be the character who is a consultant that Miss Marple uses who shows up every now and then in her books. They have a steel trap memory, flat delivery, restless bad eye contact and other features right out of the DSM. 

    I cannot remember this incidental character's name but when I read the books I never forgot him as he was so like myself, So vividly did he reflect me.

    I have never, though, felt all that much kinship with Poirot. Can't say why.

    Other literary and film characters that resonate:

    Jeeves the butler in "Jeeves and Woster"

     Boo Radley in to "kill a mocking bird"

    Mister Memory from the stage show scenes in Hitchcock's "the 39 steps"

    James Stewart's character in "Rear Window"

    the night man in Orwell's "A touch of Evil"

    Virginia O'brien in the marx Bro's "The Big Store"

  • Thank you for that. That's really helpful, I'll investigate.

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