For the Attention of The National Autistic Society

What is to stop literally anyone from signing up to this website to spread disinformation? What are your safeguards?

Parents Reply Children
  • Interesting question. We should not tolerate violence and hatred or those who seek to use misinformation, demagoguery, threats and intimidation for personal and political ends. We should not tolerate attempts to curtail the rights and freedoms of others.

    We should tolerate different opinions, values and lifestyles, up to the point where they conflict with the legitimate rights of others. We should not only tolerate difference, we should recognise, respect and promote it, within the limits prescribed by law and decency.

    We should normally tolerate the sexual preferences of consenting adults, providing they "do "it" in private and do not involve children or small fluffy animals.  If your particular sexual preferences are "normal and natural" you don't need to march through the streets waving flags to tell everybody. I won't ask, and I would prefer you not to tell.

    We should tolerate and respect individuals' rights to believe in and worship a Supreme Being of their choice, or decide not to do so - to the point where it impacts on the freedoms of others. We should not tolerate attempts to impose religious rules on others - and if your religion means that you are offended by people eating haggis and drinking whisky, maybe moving to Scotland was not a good move. Don't try to ban Burns Night.

    Intentional rudeness and bad manners are not acceptable in society, but tolerance and respect do not mean an absolute right not to be offended. Just play nicely.

    A silly example, but say the Church of the Purple Penguin decrees that anyone who does not wear a baseball cap in public will go to hell. They are perfectly entitled to wear baseball caps at most times and in most places, maybe not when going through passport control. We should tolerate this "eccentricity".  However, if the Purple Penguins insist that everyone in England must wear baseball caps and the Penguin Hat Police go around the shopping centre harassing hatless citizens, their tolerable eccentricity becomes a breach of others' civil liberties and a public order offence.

    You may believe that your form of Penguinism is the only true belief. You may wish to share your views with others so that they too may join you in eternal bliss in the great penguin pond in the sky once you shuffle off this mortal coil. If you respectfully promote your views and don't try to indoctrinate vulnerable individuals, then I am all for tolerance.  But ... if you want to use violence to overthrow the legitimate government of the country and enforce a global Rule of the King Penguin, that is intolerable. If you think everyone in the Church of Green Penguins are heretics and should be stoned to death in Trafalgar Square every Tuesday, you are entitled to your opinion. However, if you actually threaten a Green Penguin and cause them to fear harm, that is a criminal offence