OCD With Autism Anxiety and Depression

My household has all the above I am not in the depression mode just yet but getting closely Sister is not Autistic,

basically we are being driven mad by neighbours they move rubbish bin close or on our area and this makes my sister go into a cleaning binge which is detrimental to her health.

i get anxiety when this happens as they have changed delibarately my environment  that I need to be the same.

Then My OCD spirals the obsessive element will they ever stop what can I do.

Oh and then i get anxious as I fear for our safety as they do things as a mob.they are not violent but do it as psychological warfare.

I have been made the criminal I have a CPW from the council and the Police have managed to get a charging decision from the CPS where I now will have to defend a harassment case.

Oh and there is more my Bail conditions say npc contact with these individuals but they are constantly bullying my sister to provoke me.

Rant over would love some advice or support.

  • my Bail conditions say npc contact with these individuals but they are constantly bullying my sister to provoke me.

    Are they coming into contact with you ro provoke you? If they are then you need to record this and present it to the police as they are forcing you to break your parole conditions.

    If they are doing things like moving their bins to a place you consider yours then unless you own the property you have no chance of doing anything about it. Even if you owned it and it was - for example - a driveway and they parked their bin near the end then there is nothing there that constitutes a crime that the police would even consider looking at.

    I'm afraid that since you are already under CPW then you are on very thin ice - making complaints about something as triviial as this (in the eyes of the law) will only make the police less likely to consider taking your side.

    It isn't fair but it is how society works I'm afraid.

    You have a big target on your head and unless you can reign in your irritation at these provokations then it is likely to end up escalating to a situation where you take a step that gets you into a lot more trouble.

    My advice would be to try to ignore everything about your neighbours. It will be hard with your OCD but I think it is the safest way for you to stay safe.

  • Hi Iain it is my sister they are upsetting and as she is a vulnerable lady I am put in an impossible position where I have to watch her verbally attacked.

    It is complicated but it is defo we are being targeted due to our mental health

  • Hi Iain it is my sister they are upsetting and as she is a vulnerable lady I am put in an impossible position where I have to watch her verbally attacked.

    It is complicated but it is defo we are being targeted due to our mental health

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