Banks and the Internet, I need a rant!

Mum told me this morning that our buildings and contents insurance needing renewing so I offered to look online for a better deal, I found one £200 cheaper than the renewal quote and went to move forward with it, filled in loads of forms etc, like you do, then it came to payment, the bank refused to authorise it, it didn't give any reason other than they thought we were being scammed. The branch ws closed by this time and so tomorrow will be taken up with trying to persaude the bank to let my Mum have access to HER money. It bugs the F**k out of me, they say she has to go on her online or mobile account, she has neither and never has had, She can barely use a mouse or make an emergency phone call on the mobile. We tried her other bank account and they came back saying they needed to send a code only they had two numbers that were wrong, one of them being the house phone that won't accept OTP's.

It's becoming a real problem for people like Mum who are elderly, and don't understand the internet and mobiles, it feels like the only person the banks wants to keep her money safe from is her.

Thanks rant over.

  • S C R E A M  !!!!!!!!

    Yes, drives me mental......whatever alleged benefits there are from "digitalization" and "interwebilisation" of my world, I DON'T CARE FOR THEM.  It is not my way.  It all gets in my way......and it has an unusually effective knack of making me ANGRY.  It is all so flipping "the computer says no"......but I never care what any of the friggin computers say.....!

  • S C R E A M  !!!!!!!!

    Yes, drives me mental......whatever alleged benefits there are from "digitalization" and "interwebilisation" of my world, I DON'T CARE FOR THEM.  It is not my way.  It all gets in my way......and it has an unusually effective knack of making me ANGRY.  It is all so flipping "the computer says no"......but I never care what any of the friggin computers say.....!

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