Olypics Pah

I'm fed up with olympics already an they've not even started yet, nothing but sport on telly, all news will be olympic news, I can't wait for autumn and some proper telly. I even wondered what would happen if there were a big terrorist attack and the whole thing had to be cancelled?

I dont' like sport or competition, competitive people scare me, for me theres no such thing as good adreniline so why would I want to get it pumping. Why should I care if someone wins something or not? We get fed the lie that they're doing it for all of us, I think are they really indeed? I think I'd rather have the extra money off my shopping rather than have sports sponsership. I never asked them to do it, nobody asked me if I minded the amount of money that goes into it, the cruelty and even worse I get called a kill joy. Well have they ever thought that not all of us are flag waving sheeple, content to enjoy the spectacle whilst the world goes to hell in a bathtub?

  • I know what Jim Royle would say about it: 'Olympics, my a#@e!' youtu.be/pUQhN-S-jwM

    'War and play have long been linked. In Homeric Greek, 'agon' signifies the rivalry of sport and the mortal combat of war. Both are games, and - save for the glory that comes with triumph or death - neither has an end beyond itself.' - Straw Dogs by John Gray

    'War is the final flower of the capitalist system.' - Bertrand Russell (1918)


  • I know what Jim Royle would say about it: 'Olympics, my a#@e!' youtu.be/pUQhN-S-jwM

    'War and play have long been linked. In Homeric Greek, 'agon' signifies the rivalry of sport and the mortal combat of war. Both are games, and - save for the glory that comes with triumph or death - neither has an end beyond itself.' - Straw Dogs by John Gray

    'War is the final flower of the capitalist system.' - Bertrand Russell (1918)


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