Is my driveshaft okay?

This evening, while trying to locate the lane where my plumber lives, I was on another lane. Farm lane, uphill, with huge stones in the centre. I heard a few clunks. But I was able to head back home, reasonably well. 

I'm worried about damaging my driveshaft. Hopefully it was just the stones causing the issue. I was able to head back at regular speed, a major positive. 

Is everything hunky dory? 

  • If you hear a clunking sound that wasn't present before then it would suggest it is damaged, likewise if you hear a whining sound when driving that wasn't there before while driving - it will increase with road speed, not engine speed.

    Typically the drive shaft is a robust item and can take a fair bit of abuse so if nothing if acting out of form them you got away with it.

    I suspect it could be the subframe grounding out rather than the driveshaft - this is by design so the mechanical bits get protected in most cases.

    I would have al look under the vehicle for any new oil leaks from the gearbod and differential as this is a low slung area more prone to damage than the drive shaft.

    If you still think there is damage, get both driven wheels off the ground using axle stands, start the car and put it in drive (assuming it is 2 wheel drive, not 4 wheel) - watch the drive shaft at slow speeds and look for it not being in a straight line - there will be a slight side to side movement if it is bent (the most common damage).

  • If you hear a clunking sound that wasn't present before then it would suggest it is damaged, likewise if you hear a whining sound when driving that wasn't there before while driving - it will increase with road speed, not engine speed.

    Typically the drive shaft is a robust item and can take a fair bit of abuse so if nothing if acting out of form them you got away with it.

    I suspect it could be the subframe grounding out rather than the driveshaft - this is by design so the mechanical bits get protected in most cases.

    I would have al look under the vehicle for any new oil leaks from the gearbod and differential as this is a low slung area more prone to damage than the drive shaft.

    If you still think there is damage, get both driven wheels off the ground using axle stands, start the car and put it in drive (assuming it is 2 wheel drive, not 4 wheel) - watch the drive shaft at slow speeds and look for it not being in a straight line - there will be a slight side to side movement if it is bent (the most common damage).
