Getting your hair cut

I would guess that there are a few others here who don't like getting their hair cut! I'm fairly certain that I haven't visited a barber in 20+ years. My grandfather boasted that he only had his hair cut twice in his life: for his wedding and his mother's funeral. I didn't have mine cut for either of those occasions. I always justified not doing it because of the expense, but in truth it's more to do with having someone get so close and having to make small talk. I didn't go to the dentist for 20+ years either, which I called dental phobia, though having someone "man handle" me was probably more of a problem than the dental phobia, to be honest.

I imagine people may relate to this experience...

  • As a child, I always had a strong dislike of being taken to the hairdressers to get my hair cut. It wasn't that I disliked getting my hair cut as such, although I disliked the itchy sensation caused by hair falling on my face and getting trapped inside my clothes. As I got older, I then developed a loathing of the small talk, which generally seemed to consist of me being asked questions such as, "Any plans for Christmas?" and "Going anywhere nice on your holidays?" Contrary to what hairdressers may think, going away on holiday is not compulsory. Furthermore, why would anyone willingly choose to go on a holiday to a destination they didn't think was going to be nice?

    One of the best things I ever did was to invest in some hair clippers, as it now means I can cut my own hair... and on my terms. The only time I would be likely to set foot in a hair salon now is if I wanted my hair cut into a style that I would be incapable of achieving with my hair clippers... and if it was maybe for a once-in-a-lifetime special event.

  • Nice! I also have my own hair clippers, obviously. They are one of the best investments I ever made. I just give myself a "buzz cut" every couple of weeks. Not so easy for some people, who are expected to have more of a "style". Before I got my clippers I sometimes tried to cut my hair with scissors. I'll let you imagine the results!

  • Nice! I also have my own hair clippers, obviously. They are one of the best investments I ever made. I just give myself a "buzz cut" every couple of weeks. Not so easy for some people, who are expected to have more of a "style". Before I got my clippers I sometimes tried to cut my hair with scissors. I'll let you imagine the results!

  • Before I purchased my hair clippers, I was not averse to cutting my hair with scissors either. The results ranged from looking reasonably OK to spectacularly awful. Lol.

    One thing I wouldn't recommend though is cutting one's hair with a pair of blunt baby's nail scissors, which is what I did (to my mother's understandable horror) when I was about 4 years old. There had been nothing wrong with my hair, but for whatever reason I had felt a sudden compulsion to cut it... extremely badly.