Snapshot - A Short Film About Autism


I've been a long supporter of The National Autistic Society, but first time registered user on these forums!

I wanted to share my Writer and Directorial debut Snapshot, a semi-autobiographical account of my lived experiences as an Autistic adult.

Funded by BFI Network as part of Film Hub North, it's screened at Film Festivals up and down the country, as well as being featured in the Your Autism Magazine last Summer.

It's finally online currently streaming on Omeleto, and can be viewed below.

I'm hoping to spread this film and its messages as far and wide as possible, and I would love to hear your thoughts, and if you had any questions related to the film production process.

  • All I can say is wow. Such a powerful message that I can relate too. I am being treated as the incapable autistic by my boss citing the demand lead changing environment is something that I am incapable of managing.

    This film is uplifting and I wish you the best for your career in the future.

  • Thankyou very much for your kind words. Relaxed 

    Sorry to see your boss isn't as understanding. Is there anyway you can arrange a meeting, so your needs are met?

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