CD's versus Vinyl Fight-club deathmatch thread. Come and have a go if you think you're tough enough!

I've seen so many people here who really do like to have a go at "winning an argument" and also a fair few people who really like to "cast aspersions" and use inflammatory language.

Clearly there''s a need for some of us to indulge in such behaviour, YET no -one seems to enjoy it really! 

Let's mix it up a bit, then shall we?

As a public service to this community I am willing to invest my time in pontless argument to establish once and for all the superiority of CD over vinyl, and I offer to pepper any refutation you might foolishly try to make with inflammatory terms, and descriptions of why you must be mentally weak etc, in your frankly incomprehnsible and misguided affection for those unformed plastic flowerpots you call "records". 

I seek a humourus bunfight where the object is to hurl as much metaphorical pastry at one's opponents simply for for the fun of it, and to see who can be the most creatively passionate in the pursuit of their cause.  

I know there's at least one of you "diamond wasters" out there...

The more sensitive of you, can dip your toe into a fiercy fought argument and get a strong reply back maybe, SAFELY in the knowledge that the issue does not matter, the insult is being applied for style and humour points, and if it's me, you might learn some useless techie stuff about how it all works...

BIlly managed to get a good thread going where people were able to discuss things reasonably, I fancy a go at making a good thread where people discuss thinsg UN-Reasonably. 

I believe the Neurotypicals call this sort of thing, "Banter" and I've found it pleasurable with people I can trust not to actually mean it.

Obviously it's a "trust excercise" which relies on GOOD NATURE and building understanding. 

Who knows, at the end of it I might learn something about vinyl that I don't know.

I do know I literally started disposing of mine after a single listen of "Dark side of the Moon" on a CD walkman because  of SO MANY reasons... 

Let the game begin! (or not). 

  • The physical act of listening to a record has become ritualised for me. Amp and pre amp switch on. Headphone and extension plugged in. Record on turntable. Quick brush. Pour beer. Lift tonearm onto record. Sit in My Chair. Headphones on. Breathe out deeply. Repeat. 

    As an autistic male who grew up emerged in music, this is heaven. Better than CD every time. No skipping tracks. Whole albums. Warmer sound.

  • As an autistic male who grew up emerged in music, this is heaven

    Albums used to be something to be experienced and now are largely reduced to tracks to be built into playlists to be used in the background while you do something else.

    The focus has clearly shifted away from the immersive experience but when you find the right music, it can be a pure pleasure to close your eyes, focus on the threads on instruments making up the noise and to focus on the lyrics when they are present. It makes the whole thing about it and not it being a backdrop to what you are doing.

    I have probably 20 albums I prefer to listen to this way and thousands more that are used for walking, driving, working out, flying, waiting, shopping etc. The bulk are only suitable for the backdrop category but those special few evoke not just the sound they make but take me back to the time and place I first heard them too.

  • As an autistic male who grew up emerged in music, this is heaven

    Albums used to be something to be experienced and now are largely reduced to tracks to be built into playlists to be used in the background while you do something else.

    The focus has clearly shifted away from the immersive experience but when you find the right music, it can be a pure pleasure to close your eyes, focus on the threads on instruments making up the noise and to focus on the lyrics when they are present. It makes the whole thing about it and not it being a backdrop to what you are doing.

    I have probably 20 albums I prefer to listen to this way and thousands more that are used for walking, driving, working out, flying, waiting, shopping etc. The bulk are only suitable for the backdrop category but those special few evoke not just the sound they make but take me back to the time and place I first heard them too.

  • Totally. There are records that always evoke joy, which are intrinsically linked to time and place. These are special. CDs don't do that. I still discover news "classics" that have existed for years but only discovered by me recently. Dark side of the moon being such an example.