CD's versus Vinyl Fight-club deathmatch thread. Come and have a go if you think you're tough enough!

I've seen so many people here who really do like to have a go at "winning an argument" and also a fair few people who really like to "cast aspersions" and use inflammatory language.

Clearly there''s a need for some of us to indulge in such behaviour, YET no -one seems to enjoy it really! 

Let's mix it up a bit, then shall we?

As a public service to this community I am willing to invest my time in pontless argument to establish once and for all the superiority of CD over vinyl, and I offer to pepper any refutation you might foolishly try to make with inflammatory terms, and descriptions of why you must be mentally weak etc, in your frankly incomprehnsible and misguided affection for those unformed plastic flowerpots you call "records". 

I seek a humourus bunfight where the object is to hurl as much metaphorical pastry at one's opponents simply for for the fun of it, and to see who can be the most creatively passionate in the pursuit of their cause.  

I know there's at least one of you "diamond wasters" out there...

The more sensitive of you, can dip your toe into a fiercy fought argument and get a strong reply back maybe, SAFELY in the knowledge that the issue does not matter, the insult is being applied for style and humour points, and if it's me, you might learn some useless techie stuff about how it all works...

BIlly managed to get a good thread going where people were able to discuss things reasonably, I fancy a go at making a good thread where people discuss thinsg UN-Reasonably. 

I believe the Neurotypicals call this sort of thing, "Banter" and I've found it pleasurable with people I can trust not to actually mean it.

Obviously it's a "trust excercise" which relies on GOOD NATURE and building understanding. 

Who knows, at the end of it I might learn something about vinyl that I don't know.

I do know I literally started disposing of mine after a single listen of "Dark side of the Moon" on a CD walkman because  of SO MANY reasons... 

Let the game begin! (or not). 

  • I'm for vinyl on the basis that it does not degrade with age anywhere near as much as a CD does.

    I had numerous CDs that started having problems playing after 12 years (stored in the CD case, out of sunlight) as the substrate broke down.

    If records are given the same care then they have a lifespan of easily 10 times longer.

    Lets not even get into the cover artwork either - that just brings vinyl to a whole higher plane.

  • I'm for vinyl on the basis that it does not degrade with age anywhere near as much as a CD does.

    I had numerous CDs that started having problems playing after 12 years (stored in the CD case, out of sunlight) as the substrate broke down.

    If records are given the same care then they have a lifespan of easily 10 times longer.

    Lets not even get into the cover artwork either - that just brings vinyl to a whole higher plane.

  • Well you must be doing something wrong.

    I've had nigh on 400 in a bloody great sony carousel and they play flawlessly. At least they did until the bloody rubber band that turns the carousel broke, and repairing the unit has so far proven less attractive than playing the same music which we ripped wholesale into 320Kb Mp3's... I've only experienced what you report of bootleg and copied discs. 

    They promised us pure perfect sound forever, and provding you use a first or second geenration Phillips CD mech with a decent laser, that so far is what I got. The vast majority of my CD's were acquired at the same time, as replacements for my collection stolen in a burglary in 1995 so they are only 30 years old. 

    Anyway vinyl turns into a stylus roller coaster ride if it even catches sight of a glowing heater, and the act of pulling teh thing out of it's sleeve seems to produce about a small village worth of static electricty, whch does not dust the room as effectvively as it ensures ones (cloth) ears can hear in the defening noise produced when a tiny diamond hits a cat hair at 33rpm, and the entre tonearm runs off to sulk in the middle runout groove, forcing the poor vinyl lover to have to jump up and secure a situation that will other wise mean he'll have to buy anotehr stupidy expensive (and fragile) stylus for his Ortophon Concorde.  

    Sorry, too long. I was triggered by your artwork truth, which I find totally unacceptable, and just an indication of poor focus. This is all about sound quality not bloody pictures!! 

    (the keen eyed student of stupid arguing skills will note that I don't actually have any valid refution of Iains point, so I attemot to steer the argument to an area where I feel more comfortable, and I preceded it with an insult in the hope that he responds to the insult and lets it appear that I sucessfully replied to his actual argument.I've seen this used quiet effectively on forums a lot, by more vulgar people than me) . 

  • (I secretly agree, but the coin gods chose me a side). I've had records warp in summer, even past the wobbly pitch stage and into throwing the needle and scratching the record stage.