I’m too nervous to approach GP that i think there’s more to my ASD diagnosis

 Hi I was recently diagnosed with ASD (14days) but the entire time ive always felt like there is more  signs personally for me points to ADHD I‘m not definite yet
during the assessment I felt like I wasn’t asked follow up questions to express my feelings of there being more and I was to shy to say anything.
I haven’t received my report yet so there could be a chance that my report touches on things.

I’m very nervous to go to my GP and say I have more problems after this long process of getting my ASD diagnosis.

A few reasons that makes me think there’s something more:

      binge eating to the point I throw up or I go to bed wake up from sleep and throw up.

      I’m almost getting run over when I cross the road or when there’s a crossing with an island in the middle I get to the middle island and i forget I’m meant to cross and I start pressing the traffic button and on this particular scenario a man literally had to tap me and tell me I could cross and I was so embarrassed which is why I remember.

      Forgetting to turn off the stove or forgetting to turn it on and half an hour goes by and what I’m cooking isn’t even cooking. I’ve always been forgetful and before it was silly but now imo it started getting dangerous during winter where I left the heating on for 8 hour. Or leaving the stove on for hours.  I’m always breaking everything, I got 3 new pairs of glasses in February and my old one makes 4 pairs and out of 4 I’ve broken 3 and misplaced one. I broke the third one this morning. 

       I naturally sometimes find it hard to know what my body is telling me I.e. hunger, needing the toilet. And when I need to pee, for example I don’t notice until I get a stinging sharp feeling. But there are times when I notice the sting but i just can’t be bothered and ignore it until someone calls me or disturbs me.

       I can’t for the life of me do the things I need or sometimes want to or remember anything unless it’s for someone else or it involves someone else.  I have 7 exams and a dissertation all at the end of august and I haven’t started revising. But a friend came to me for help her with her revision for her exam (masters), I don’t do that subject but I helped, created an essay structure for her for each topic and even sited relevant sources and even on the day of her exam (it was online) I proof read all her answers and suggested improvements this was on the same day I had my second ASD appointment and I’m here unable to make a start on anything I need. 

      I’m spending unnecessary amounts of money, I’ve bought a skateboard (I don’t skate), I bought an industry standard microphone (I don’t even have the stand anymore) I bought an Epson stylus r1800 they no longer even manufacture anymore and a silhouette because I wanted to make my own stickers (it’s all dusty) And even getting a whole new console for a game I already own on 3 other platforms.

      I’m alway anxious ALWAYS i constantly feel like impending doom is  it’s why 
Is this a cause for concern for further investigation or I’m I just overthinking things 

  • Hi, I am going through an ASD assessment currently and had my screening today. During the screening she said she wanted to screen.me.for ADHD too. 

    I am.beyound devastated. I wish there were words to describe it! But anyway you have described me to a tee there. It's quite possible you have both. 

    I would go to the GP and tell them. There's no harm in screening for it if that's what you feel you need. By the sounds of it it will forever play on your mind until you know for sure. Go to the doctor, tell them this is really niggling you and that you won't be able to process everything until you have this answered too. If there's more of the picture you need to see to help understand yourself then you need to see it. 

    A lot of the symptoms you described are ADHD but they're also ASD and GAD. 

    Good luck X

  • Hi, so I went to my GP about 5 years after my ASD ‘diagnosis’ and said that I thought I might have ADHD- they were really helpful about it. There’s a lot more awareness about the likelihood of ADHD-ASD comorbidity now. For me it helped that several of my family members on both sides have ADHD, and I told them this and the other reasons why I thought I might have ADHD, and they were very helpful in referring me. I will caution though that the ADHD diagnostic waiting list is very long, with the medication consult team taking a further 10 months on average at the moment, so I would highly recommend speaking to your doctor about it as soon as possible & mentioning what you’ve said here. They may also be able to look at treatment for anxiety in the meantime. Good luck 

  • I'm currently looking for lower cost alternatives to the cannabis which I've been using for 46 years by way of "self medication". I still like the stuff, but dislike the cost of it, so your anti-histamine suggestion is of interest. 

    Before taking ANY drug Illegal or legal, the first thing I do is research the effects and side effects, as reported by users.

    For illicit substances there is (or used to be, I've not been there for a while) a site by the name of "erowid" where recreational users swap anecdotes, but for legal subsatnces a simple google will suffice. Before the internet one had to acquire a copy of MIMS or BNF.. 

    Here's a useful resource for antihistamines effects which seems to suggest that not all antihistamines are the same, so may I ask which particular anti-histamine you had in mind?


  • MY GP aint "there for me", he's there for himself.

    Denied I had Autism till I MADE him give me the initial test and referral. Doesn't even reply to my asking for an ADD referral. 

    Complete contrast to the pestering to come and get "vaccinated" or screened for things I might have...

    AND what actual good is the formal diagnosis anyway?

    At my formal diagnosis the trickcyclist looked me square in the eye and told me "there's no treatment for you".  This site is full of people's experiences with "PIP". 

    And Autism doesn't look good on your C.V. and actually now disqualifies you from military service or being a commercial pilot, (and it sure prolonged my acquisition of a Private Pilot Licence).

    The whole process seems utterly disempowering, even at the low level of engagement I practice. 

    Edit: I'm sure there will be people out there who will strongly disagree with me, but my sprog works on a MH emergency line, and she confirms my assement of the situation. She has become their "ASD wrangler" and a champion for us ASD people in her tiny corner of the MH system, so I suppose my diagnosis has at least helped a few other people making it not an UTTER waste of my time...     

  • Yeh I do get you here. I have ASD as well but don’t have ADHD too. I show signs of it too but honestly autistic people do show signs of many mental conditions just purely because we are so anxious all of the time. My advice is to get the right help for your anxiety. ADHD meds can make anxiety wayyy worse so just a word of warning plus they are addictive as they increase dopamine similar to other drugs of abuse like cocaine. Have you considered going back to your GP and describing your anxiety that may help? You say you struggle with it all the time. Do you also struggle with alcohol cravings to manage the anxiety? Because if you do then you could also seek help for that? Antihistamines seem to help a lot of the autistic people I have spoke to with their anxiety issues. They are quite sedating and make you feel tranquil plus they’re non addictive which is a bonus.

  • I was tested for ADHD at the same time. It's a pity that not everyone does this. Your GP is there for you. I wouldn't feel bad about needing to see them still.