Buying items related to your special interests

Does anyone else do this? I buy soo many things to do with my special interests-like Lego I've got so much to do with Lego-I have dvds, books, pictures, sets, cards and mimifigures! And it's the same with my other special interest which is the Titanic! I love everything to do with the Titanic. I've got dvds, books,  models, cds, blueprints and research it whenever I can. I first heard of it at school-about 5 years ago-and I've been obsessed ever since. 

Today I looked in the charity shops as I happened to be in town looking for Vaseline-and in one charity shop I found yet another Titanic movie dvd. I've got several versions, each one is different whether it's a different cover-or with different special features. I hadn't had this one sooo I decided I needed it straight away!

As a bonus I picked up a book called The Starless Sea as I've heard good things about it-and both were only £1.50 together. Bargain! Relaxed️ 

Another special interest for me is dvds and I own soo many it's hard to store them now but when I see a dvd-or a limited edition I become obsessed and have to get it-asap.

  • I don't have the money to indulge my interests or the time or the space, I would end up living in a library, I do have quite a few books, but read many more on kindle and use the library for non fiction that I can't afford to buy.

    Luckily cooking needs to be done, but living where I do, it's hard to get ingredients so most of my food tends to be 100 different things you can make with what you can buy in an understocked supermarket. A disaster happened a couple of weeks ago, when I realised I could no longer buy jack fruit in our supermarkets, that requires a special trip to Bangor, as do so many other things. I live in a bit of a restuarant dessert too, to have a 3 course meal out would require me to go to a different restaurant for each course and a drive around the island. Most of the food is steak and chips, fish and chips and stuff like that and anything veggie is cheese heavy which is no good for me. I've not eaten food cooked by anyone else for over a year now and I can't remember the last time I went out for a meal or had a takeaway.

    I do indulge myself with plants though, although the local garden centre has got very poor recently and my growing conditions arn't the best as we get strong salt laden winds.

  • You sound real adventurous with your cookingUpside downI cook from time to time but I'm not experienced and generally always make the same things-I find cooking stressful though. 

    Have you considered online shopping so you can get the ingredients you're specifically after? I get a lot of things online now-find it a lot easier and a lot less stressful than having to go in to the shops in town.

  • I don't really like online food shopping as I can't see what I'm getting and it's expensive, I did try oyster mushrooms and didn't like them that much, they were alright, but a bit meaty for my taste. I'd like to try things in a restaurant first, but thats not happening. The only thing I miss about being veggie is the meat cookery, I used to make a few classic French dishes, raised pies and pates. I'm the only person I know who actually likes cooking a big xmas dinner for a table full of people. It gets a bit boring cooking for two, theres only so much I can make and not everything freezes.

    Apart from dust I don't really collect anyhing, I think the collecting gene passed me by, I have tried to collect things, but I don't really feel any attachment to them. I'm not competitive so board games don't do it for me and nor do cuddly toys or cars.

    Iain thankyou for giving me an oportunity to do one of my favourite things and try and see whats on someone bookshelves, when I see talking head on telly with a book case behind them I concentrate so much on the books I miss what they're saying. I did see a few I recognise, I saw a row of Pratchets, but I wasn't sure what the others were.

    Tree Spirit, How I admire you for being able to make all your own clothes, my sewing machine hates me, I think they all do, bobbins do my head in. I'd love to have access to the fabrics too and to be able to afford them. Do you watch Sewing Bee? I love wool, but I can't knit anymore because my fingers are to wonky and I never liked the limitations of a knitting machine. If I had the money and space I'd probably have one of those embroidery thread carousels as a piece of art, I love them, all the colours and possibilities.

  • I think you just have to accept that cats and dogs are meat eaters, but at least they own what they eat by being willing to catch and kill it, unlike many human meat eaters who don't want to accept that their food was happily roaming around a few days before.

    Where I used to live, we had a big rat problem, they invaded the house and ate the backs out of two fridge freezers, they ate the bottoms of our cupboards and chewed all the wires out of our cooker. They were a real health hazzard and I think cats are the most effective and one of the least cruel means of controlling them. The greyhounds were useless at pest control, Monty once picked one up and carried round the garden before letting it go, he seemed to think that anything in the garden had a right to be there, which was great when we had chickens. When he first saw the chickens properly he went and caught one and brought her to show me, with a 'whats this Mum?' look on his face, he was very gentle in picking her up and the only thing injured was her dignity Dogglet was just happy to have the occaisional egg for breakfast, but it was funny when we ended up with only one chicken the rest having been killed by rats, Dogglet would be lyiing out in the garden gnawing on his bone when the chicken would come up behind him and kick him up the bum and try and steal his bone!

    Boris had been away when we got Muriel, when he came back he was fine with Muriel whereas she made noises at him like a cross between a pressure cooker and an air raid siren.

  • Awwww I love your description of your furry friends - I hope Boris makes an appearance soon or there will be a small purrball invading his space. ;-)

    I know it's nature for animals to prey on others but it always disturbs me to hear it because (despite being allergic) I love many animals and am vegan so there you have it.

    The fact you mentioned grey hounds made me all happy as I love them!  They're so delicate and stunning looking in my humble opinion.

  • I have Muriel who's one and is black and white, she's not a very friendly cat and whizzes past so fast on her way in and out that you don't notice her except to fall over, or hear her WAHHHHH when she wants food. She's a good mouser though. We have Boris who's also black and white, but in a tuxedo style and he has the most fantastic whiskers. He's gone walk about though we never managed to work out where he goes, but I think he goes and hangs out with people in a nearby camp site, probably scamming sausages from BBQ's, He's been gone a couple of months now. He taught my dog Fearn to hunt, I think he did it to see how well she'd do, he gave up when she couldn't do advanced oiking because her paws aren't flexible like a cats. When we got him we lived right out in the middle of nowhere and our old cat taught him how to hunt, we praised him for rodents, told him off for catching birds, but we were unsure how to respons to rabbits, the greyhounds we had at the time were not, they would wag at him and ruffle his fur with their noses, so whenever he caught a rabbit he'd bring it back for the dogs.

    We want to get another kitten as I need someone to cuddle up with and purr with.

  • I have Muriel who's one and is black and white, she's not a very friendly cat and whizzes past so fast on her way in and out that you don't notice her except to fall over, or hear her WAHHHHH when she wants food. She's a good mouser though. We have Boris who's also black and white, but in a tuxedo style and he has the most fantastic whiskers. He's gone walk about though we never managed to work out where he goes, but I think he goes and hangs out with people in a nearby camp site, probably scamming sausages from BBQ's, He's been gone a couple of months now. He taught my dog Fearn to hunt, I think he did it to see how well she'd do, he gave up when she couldn't do advanced oiking because her paws aren't flexible like a cats. When we got him we lived right out in the middle of nowhere and our old cat taught him how to hunt, we praised him for rodents, told him off for catching birds, but we were unsure how to respons to rabbits, the greyhounds we had at the time were not, they would wag at him and ruffle his fur with their noses, so whenever he caught a rabbit he'd bring it back for the dogs.

    We want to get another kitten as I need someone to cuddle up with and purr with.

  • Awwww I love your description of your furry friends - I hope Boris makes an appearance soon or there will be a small purrball invading his space. ;-)

    I know it's nature for animals to prey on others but it always disturbs me to hear it because (despite being allergic) I love many animals and am vegan so there you have it.

    The fact you mentioned grey hounds made me all happy as I love them!  They're so delicate and stunning looking in my humble opinion.