Buying items related to your special interests

Does anyone else do this? I buy soo many things to do with my special interests-like Lego I've got so much to do with Lego-I have dvds, books, pictures, sets, cards and mimifigures! And it's the same with my other special interest which is the Titanic! I love everything to do with the Titanic. I've got dvds, books,  models, cds, blueprints and research it whenever I can. I first heard of it at school-about 5 years ago-and I've been obsessed ever since. 

Today I looked in the charity shops as I happened to be in town looking for Vaseline-and in one charity shop I found yet another Titanic movie dvd. I've got several versions, each one is different whether it's a different cover-or with different special features. I hadn't had this one sooo I decided I needed it straight away!

As a bonus I picked up a book called The Starless Sea as I've heard good things about it-and both were only £1.50 together. Bargain! Relaxed️ 

Another special interest for me is dvds and I own soo many it's hard to store them now but when I see a dvd-or a limited edition I become obsessed and have to get it-asap.

  • This is something I don't do because I get stressed when my environment is too full.  I'm sitting here in my living room typing this and thinking everything needs tidied away as it's too messy (there's only two extra library books there and a glass which aren't usually left there).  I only really have stuff that I use and tend to buy small batches of things I like - my favourite cruelty free, vegan shower and hair wash, the fabrics I'm going to make underwear and tshirts with and my favourite food spices for example.  I only tend to buy three at one time so two can stay in the cupboard while one gets used except for the fabrics as I needed new tshirts so splurged on the fabrics I loved since it's rare for me to see already made clothes I like.  I like to literally create my own style of things from designing my own shoes, jewellery, rucksacks, hair (I cut my own) and makeup ( I used to make this until I became allergic to more things so no longer wear makeup).

    My friend is a collector of all things so I find it pretty stressful going to her house because there's stuff everywhere.  I love seeing her though so that takes precedence.  She's a person who rarely contacts me but when i contact her she replies almost instantly.  This is something I find tough but I figure if she is ADHD (as she suspects), her mind is probably overrun with thoughts so it's hard to have time for everything she likes to do.

  • This is something I don't do because I get stressed when my environment is too full

    That's so interesting-from that point I'm almost the same I get stressed when my environment is too cluttered-I don't mind there being lots so long as it's neat and organised. If I see something out of place or looking cluttered I get really stressed-then there will normally be a meltdown in store for me. 

    Everything in my room has to be just right if it isn't-or gets cluttered and out of place then it'll really affect me badly. 

    Going to other people’s houses is always hard. I can totally understand where you're coming from with that. I also worry about germs and how clean other people's houses are-that's just my anxiety and ocd going in to overdrive though!

  • I'm the same in the way that all my objects have a place and so if there are new things appearing that my daughter puts there, I feel the urge to move or tidy them but I don't straight away so I don't give in to these feelings.  I've overcome matching the colour of pegs to clothes when hanging clothes at my mums but I still have the urge there.

    It's really tough going to others houses because of the whole germ thing but I am of the mind that exposure to different environments allows for a healthier immune system so I keep that in mind when I'm anxious about how dirty someones house is.  My friend who I mentioned in the previous post doesn't like housework so has a pretty untidy and dirty home.  It's not hugely dirty but enough to make me uncomfortable.  I'll offer to vacuum for her when she's making tea though which she's fine about and I love doing so it's a winner but I still get the fear using their bathroom... :-/

  • It really is so hard-and not many people understand that and that can make you feel bad that it affects you so badly. I'm glad you understand-it's always slightly easier when you know others get it, or it is for me anyway. The whole idea of using any bathroom except my own is is terrifying-that thought makes me not want up travel long distances but let's not get in to that lol. Being allergic to different things like that must be so difficult and challenging for you-I really can't imagine how hard that must be. You must have loads to think about when you go to places, like in the shops if they clean. I'm sorry you have to deal with that-it must be so hard to live with. 

    I'm glad you get on well with the hoovering. I find hoovering really difficult though I love the idea of listening to music-I do have noise cancelling headphones that I generally wear when hoovering but they don't stop the noise completely unfortunately-so using my headphones and having loud music would probably work better for me-next time I use the hoover I'll give it a try.

    As you said-its a good motivator too!Relaxed

  • It really is so hard-and not many people understand that and that can make you feel bad that it affects you so badly. I'm glad you understand-it's always slightly easier when you know others get it, or it is for me anyway. The whole idea of using any bathroom except my own is is terrifying-that thought makes me not want up travel long distances but let's not get in to that lol. Being allergic to different things like that must be so difficult and challenging for you-I really can't imagine how hard that must be. You must have loads to think about when you go to places, like in the shops if they clean. I'm sorry you have to deal with that-it must be so hard to live with. 

    I'm glad you get on well with the hoovering. I find hoovering really difficult though I love the idea of listening to music-I do have noise cancelling headphones that I generally wear when hoovering but they don't stop the noise completely unfortunately-so using my headphones and having loud music would probably work better for me-next time I use the hoover I'll give it a try.

    As you said-its a good motivator too!Relaxed

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