Anew government

Well that was a thumping majority, but I think a wide but shallow one. Reform did less well that exit polls predicted, for which I'm glad, but they have quite a high vote share. THe LibDems had a brilliant night.

A nice collection of Tory scalps for new MP's, Rees Mogg and Truss amoung them.

I stayed up until 3am and then had to go to bed, so I didn't see the big scalps taken, I'm tired today though.

It dosen't feel all unicorns and rainbow, frollicking fauns, and splashing mermaids, but I'm glad we've got some change, but it's a poisoned chalice for Starmer and gang, this country has so many problems in need of fixing. But I hope we have a stable government and not all this continual chopping and changing of PM and other ministers, I think part of the problems have been caused by so many reshuffles, ministers don't have time to get on top of their brief before they're moved on. That means any policy objectives they had are discarded by the successor, so nothing gets done and the rot sets deeper.

  • I'm happy that a self serving, intellectually and morally bankrupt, Tory party is out of power . I detest their  uncivilised attitude towards the disabled and vulnerable. Their crass worship of those lucky enough to  have done well in the genetic lottery of life while demonising those who have been less fortunate.

  • do you know kiers labour party have promised to push disabled people into work and stated that if you can work you must work and under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to live on welfare?

    you all called kier a red tory a while ago... you will be calling him that again very shortly when you realise the policies you just voted for under him.

  • do you know kiers labour party have promised to push disabled people into work and stated that if you can work you must work and under no circumstances should anyone be allowed to live on welfare?

    you all called kier a red tory a while ago... you will be calling him that again very shortly when you realise the policies you just voted for under him.

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